So at what point are people going to bite the bullet and just port to chrome? With the loss of xul, and the "gain" of signing, staying with mozilla could be more effort than porting away.
This is true, but then that is a limitation that we're going to have to live with *anyhow*, as Mozilla wants to replace xul with exactly that api.
And with xulrunner gone, chrome is a better platform anyhow, as several chrome-based app shells have sprung up that don't require begging for new maintainers. That main problem will be that sqlite isn't available outside xul(runner), but I have some solid ideas on how to deal with that.
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You can run the validator on your own system - I'll have a look, but this must be submitted as a bug to amo. Not at all a fan of their ham fisted signing mandate, but if they're going to be doing this, they should make sure it works. If yours is a breaking bug vorige the validator that is hard to fix and they have to push back the enforcement date, so much the better.