[Grok-dev] A couple of documentation projects on github

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Paul Sephton

Sep 20, 2015, 4:31:04 AM9/20/15
to Grok Development
Hi, Everyone,

For those who are interested, I have added two new grok based projects
to github.

The first is a tiny wiki implemented in Grok, which documents it's own
implementation (actually the implementation is tiny, but the wiki data
less so :-). It is sort of work in progress, but is quite usable. You
can find it at https://github.com/prsephton/Grok4Noobs.

The second project is even smaller. The idea here was to write a
document for people in our company who may need to maintain our grok
based site (at www.cami-apps.com). The document would demonstrate
aspects of using Grok by referring to an implementation of a book
library. Of course, the document is of wider relevance so I thought it
could not harm to release the project as GPL. This can be found at

Kind regards and happy grokking!


Grok-dev mailing list

Bahman Movaqar

Sep 20, 2015, 1:21:04 PM9/20/15
to grok...@zope.org
On 09/20/2015 01:01 PM, Paul Sephton wrote:
> For those who are interested, I have added two new grok based projects
> to github.

By the gods! Where were you two years ago when I was trying to learn Grok!?

> The first is a tiny wiki implemented in Grok, which documents it's own
> implementation (actually the implementation is tiny, but the wiki data
> less so :-). It is sort of work in progress, but is quite usable. You
> can find it at https://github.com/prsephton/Grok4Noobs.
> The second project is even smaller. The idea here was to write a
> document for people in our company who may need to maintain our grok
> based site (at www.cami-apps.com). The document would demonstrate
> aspects of using Grok by referring to an implementation of a book
> library. Of course, the document is of wider relevance so I thought it
> could not harm to release the project as GPL. This can be found at
> https://github.com/prsephton/BookLib.

There's a whole lot to learn here. Though I'm not planning to touch
Grok again in the foreseeable future, I'll definitely keep these
projects "starred" so that next time I know where to start.

Keep it up!

Bahman Movaqar

http://BahmanM.com - https://twitter.com/bahman__m
https://github.com/bahmanm - https://gist.github.com/bahmanm
PGP Key ID: 0x6AB5BD68 (keyserver2.pgp.com)


Christopher Lozinski

Sep 23, 2015, 3:36:44 AM9/23/15
to Paul Sephton, Grok Development

On 9/20/15 10:31 AM, Paul Sephton wrote:

For those who are interested, I have added two new grok based projects to github.

I have linked to them from:

Blogory is a hand-crafted directory of blog postings, software packages and your other web assets. It is implemented on top of Grok and ZODB as a hierarchical multi-user CMS. Zope users will recognize the ZMI. And it has the gorgeous Ace and CkEditor HTML editors.
If anyone else wants to contribute links to Grok, Zope, ZODB or Python related blogs and software packages I would be more than happy to send you an account. 

Feedback is most appreciated.


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