[Grok-dev] Grok Discussion Group

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Christopher Lozinski

Sep 27, 2015, 8:15:28 AM9/27/15
to Grok Development, Jean Jordaan

There is a new discussion group on grok over at slack.com

Three of us are quite actively discussing grok.

You are most welcome to join. Just send me or jean your email address, and he
will invite you.

There are discussion groups for #plone, #pyramid, #ztk, #Plomino and #zodb.


Grok-dev mailing list

Christopher Lozinski

Sep 27, 2015, 10:26:18 AM9/27/15
to Grok Development

On 9/27/15 2:39 PM, One reader writes::
Hi to all,
I think he meant to post to the mailing list, so I am copying his message here.

I have looked into Grok, which was very promising and understandable. Now I try to get to understand Pyramid, which does come very easy. The reason that I choose for Pyramid and later for Kivy, is that those support Python 3,x and ZODB3>. Looking into the futureare those a necessity.
I would have chosen Grok if it met those two requirements.

Likely that my input is not on topic.

Your feedback is most appreciated, and very relevant.

Kiwi is a brilliant choice.  It runs on all the platforms.   Who needs a browser running Javascript????

Here are my notes on Grok vs Pyramid.

Pyramid hides the ZCA under a simplifying api.  Grok makes it more explicit and richer,
encouraging  the use of zope.schema, but then you get CRUD out-of-the-box.

And I think that you mean to say that Pyramid runs on ZODB 4.  Grok is still on ZODB 3.

Good luck with your pyramid project.

twitter: @zodb4, @grokzope, @blogory

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