Great to hear from you.One of my biggest worries is that this whole stack of software is not actively used nor maintained.I am perfectly happy with what I am using, but a little voice in the back of my head is worried.They PyCon web conference in Berlin is coming up . Call for papers deadline in March 15th. I am tempted to submit something, but sadly there is no business model behind anything.In the meantime is doing great.I hope that all is well with you.Warm RegardsChris
On Mar 9, 2017, at 10:13 AM, Paul Sephton <> wrote:From my experience, Grok is a big boy able to stand on it's own two feet without needing Plone as a crutch. I have built some pretty enormous systems based on ZTK technology, using little more than Eclipse, PyDev & Postgres, and the only reason I can maintain it all on my own is because of the component based approach to scaling the system.
Grok-dev mailing list
> i hope I make sense in this mail.
Given that I also live with this stuff, your email made perfect sense.
Software archeology is a bit more difficult. One needs a mentor.
So cromlech.webob looks perfectly reasonable. WebOb is the leading request server. 100% test coverage.
Used by tons of brand names. Okay, fine.
Of course cromlech.webob looks way too small. What did you do with all of that junk in zope.pulisher. I feel naked.
So I searched for “travers”. Nothing. Does cromlech.webob call the traverser? zope.publisher does.
Does cromlech.webob invoke the security mechanisms, and user authentication. I use zope.pluggableauthentication and megrok.login.
And then there is the obvious question. Why not use Pyramid.publisher, or whatever it is called. What is it called?
I should say that I am very dependent on zope.securitypolicy. It gives me everything I need to build a content management system. After ZODB, it is the second jewel in the crown of ZTK.
On Mar 10, 2017, at 10:51 AM, Souheil CHELFOUH <> wrote:Thing is, the concepts are what interested me.