How about a Zooters Show & Tell ???

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Dec 15, 2020, 12:41:41 PM12/15/20

I have long wanted to see some demonstrations for Zoot. I am curious about how other people are using Zoot in the hopes it might help me better design my own set up and routines using the software.

Would anyone here be willing to share (show and tell)? What do you think? 

It would be extremely helpful seeing some video clips or gifs of people’s Zoot setups in action! I think this would also be interesting and perhaps inspiring to the Zoot’s power users out there as well. I spent some time looking through this group to see if a thread already exists and did not find anything. I have also looked elsewhere on youtube and to my surprise, I have not found anything.

Sharing does not have to be a big production. There are many tools that allow someone to capture their screen to demonstrate.  Narrating is also possible, but not necessary.  While I really like the idea of  some video/gif captures, I would also welcome descriptions.  It is just that a picture/ video is worth more than a thousand words. 

Some ideas of what to share or talk about?
How do you use zoot?
What kind of work do you do, and how does Zoot fit in, helping you process and keep track of information?
What are your routines with zoot?
How do you use it to process information?
How have you set up your database(s), folders and smart folders, rules?
How are you using the baked in GTD?
How have you automated your tasks or routines?
What do you do to access information when away from your pc or on other devices?
Are there other information managers or software that you use in conjunction with Zoot?
What are some ways you have used Zoot that are outside the way it was designed?

These are just some ideas. Interested in seeing whatever someone might be interested in sharing.  

Jan Rifkinson

Dec 16, 2020, 1:52:44 PM12/16/20
I have long wanted to see some demonstrations for Zoot. I am curious
about how other people are using Zoot in the hopes it might help me
better design my own set up and routines using the software.

I think this is a great idea!
Maybe Tom Davis would be interested & or able to set up webinars via Zoom or Meet on an ongoing basis & charge a nominal fee for each webinar -- paid via Venmo, Paypal or some other app.

I know my wife takes Zumba dance classes via Zoom 2/3x a week & pays for classes monthly (depending on # of classes) she's taken. Not expensive. In her class there are women from all over the US & some from Europe. It's a blast!
Just something to think about over the holiday season.

Jan Rifkinson


Dec 16, 2020, 2:32:55 PM12/16/20

That is certainly a possibility. Zoom has taken the world by storm!!!

It would be amazing if Tom Davis was able to do something like that.  What is nice about a webinar, or a platform like zoom, is that it would not need to be a big production either. It could be structured like a round table.  I guess my worry is that if it is a big production,  it creates too much friction.  This is part of the reason I called it a "show and tell."  What someone shares can be as short or as long as they want to make it.  Anything that give some insight into how Zoot can work.  For newbies like me,  it helps bridge the divide between how one might use the software in theory and in practice.

I believe Tom D.  was working on getting video tutorials ready, as an extension of the Zoot Boot camp.  I see that there page staged for it   I am not sure where things are with that.  I really would like to see some videos of  people using Zoot,.. As I said in my first post.  There is something about seeing something it in action.  I am really surprised that given how long it has been around, there is not anything on youtube or elsewhere that I can find.  


Jeff Riepl

Dec 16, 2020, 3:17:09 PM12/16/20

Great idea but much work involved.  I’ve been a daily user for over ten years and would still like to see some demos.


When Tom doesn’t have anything better to do (that’s a joke) maybe he could start a YouTube channel with some basic show and tell.

It could help his sales.  Users could submit their demo videos to Tom for his approval and posting.

There’s nothing stopping any of us from posting a Zoot demo video, a review perhaps, to your own YouTube channel.  I have a channel that I use for the purpose of “home movies” for family and friends.

More demos turn on lightbulbs for potential and existing users and spark sales.


Jeff Riepl

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Tom Davis

Dec 17, 2020, 10:36:38 AM12/17/20
When Tom doesn’t have anything better to do (that’s a joke) maybe he
could start a YouTube channel with some basic show and tell.

I have the YouTube channel already, so just need the videos.  I intend to start with a series of Zoot Camp videos which will be short in length and then some longer Deep Dive videos.

Tom Davis
Zoot Software


Dec 17, 2020, 5:02:06 PM12/17/20

 Tom, that is great! Do you have any idea when to expect these? Also what is the Youtube channel name?

I would echo what Jeff and Jan have said about how videos would be helpful to peak people’s interest and sales. I talk to a lot of people and video demos and tutorials are a must for most if not all of them. People are living in times of information overload. The time it will take them to figure out how to use a piece of software is factored into whether or not it is worth using it.

While I am willing to put in the time to figure things out, my issue is figuring out how organize things. For instance, is it better to have a single database in Zoot and try to keep projects and work separated somehow, or should I utilize different databases to keep things separate.    


Dec 17, 2020, 5:16:12 PM12/17/20

 This thread was originally aimed at Zoot users because I know that Tom D. is busy. My thinking was that anyone who has been using Zoot for a period of time, would possibly have something to share. I am just starting out with Zoot. A newbie. But I am familiar with Zoot from the past.

If you were to ask me the same question 5 to 10 years ago about the level of work, I would agree. But things have changed. There are now more screen recording programs and options to share recordings than one can count. Snagit (fremium) and Sharex (open source) can be installed and set up in less than 10 minutes. Once set up, the user can select whatever part of the screen they want to capture and record with or without audio. If someone is in this group, they do not even need to use YouTube to share… videos could be shared their google drive. Simply drag and drop. I would be willing create a folder for people willing to share.

There are a number of ideas bouncing around here from webinars to tutorials to user show and tells I was suggesting. Any of these could become a big production. But none of them need to nor should, in my opinion. Maybe the ideas for a “show and tell” I posted were a little ambitious or intimidating. A user demonstration can start with something as simple as “Here is how I do “this” or “This is how I have set up this.”

For anyone interested, here is a video on how to set up sharex to do screen captures.

If anyone wants to suggest another program ... please do. 

Jan Rifkinson

Dec 17, 2020, 10:31:57 PM12/17/20
I have the YouTube channel already, so just need the videos. I intend
to start with a series of Zoot Camp videos which will be short in
length and then some longer Deep Dive videos.

Excellent news! Any thoughts about webinars?

Jan Rifkinson

Jan Rifkinson

Dec 18, 2020, 10:47:25 AM12/18/20
[...]  my issue

is figuring out how organize things. For instance, is it better to
have a single database in Zoot and try to keep projects and work
separated somehow, or should I utilize different databases to keep
things separate.

Each to their own but I tried the former & decided on the latter for a couple of reasons. (1) each dB can have it's own email address (2) they are always in front of me on the dB bar making switching back & forth w a simple click (3) I never have to worry about overloading a dB. (Tom increased the dB capacity years ago so the likelihood of #3 is unlikely.)
At 30,000 ft, any item I create or is created automatically in any of the dBs that has a standard DATE field is sent to a hidden folder which copies/moves/links the item to the Calendar dB. In the Calendar dB, I filter items with smart folders.
So let's say I am working thru my email dB. 
If I get an email that that's trash or junk, a single click on a action field moves that item to trash & clears it from all other folders. If the email requires my immediate attention, I assign it a reminder for NOW, TODAY, THIS AFTERNOON -- whatever.  An action folder captures any item assigned a (1) DUE DATE, (2) REMINDER (3) STARTDATE & copies/moves/links it to to my calendar.dB. 
As a practical matter if I get a bill via email, I mark it as a bill w a single click, Zoot automatically fills in the $$ field & I supply a due date. As soon as I give it a due date, the bill disappears from my inbox & is copied/moved to the CALENDAR.dB
In the CALENDAR.dB, I created several date folders. (1) TODAY (2) NEXT SEVEN DAYS (3) NEXT 30 DAYS.  Each of those folders have similar rules, i.e. ANY ITEM THAT HAS A START OR DUE OR REMINDER DATE scheduled for TODAY appears in the TODAY folder so I immediately see what's on my plate for the day. The other two date folders similarly constructed. This system also works with GTD b/c GTD always requires a date.
I follow some version of this for all my other dBs. If they have DATED items as I've defined them, they eventually wind up in my calendar dB.  Zoot does all the work for me.
While this requires some time on the front end, it sure saves time on the back end.
I hope this gives you an idea for your own structure.

Jan Rifkinson / Ridgefield CT / Zoot v.08.06.64

Jan Rifkinson

Dec 18, 2020, 11:14:21 AM12/18/20
There is something about seeing something it in action. I am really
surprised that given how long it has been around, there is not
anything on youtube or elsewhere that I can find.

I agree whole heartedly. I use a sophisticated photo editor called EXPOSURE.  Like Zoot a HELP file was late to the party but it was eventually published. In the meantime, short videos were posted. There is now a library of these & new ones are posted periodically.
I offer these as samples/examples.   Video Tutorials - Exposure Software 

Jan Rifkinson

Jan Rifkinson

Dec 18, 2020, 11:14:22 AM12/18/20
For anyone interested, here is a video on how to set up sharex to do
screen captures.

Thanks. Very helpful.

Jan Rifkinson

betwixt Ideas

Dec 19, 2020, 12:17:06 PM12/19/20
Thank you so very much for sharing this. It shows exactly what I believe to be zoots super power. I say that having not been able to do that myself.   I have set up similar filter rules in thunderbird.  However, those rules are limited to emails... not the rss feed and I do not believe the bridge to tasks and calendaring is very good. 

I would like very much to set up a similar system as you have. 

So with regards to your databases.  Do you mind if I ask how many databases do you typically toggle between when using Zoot?  And how well do you find the global search is able to handle searching all the databases?  I am thinking if you know you stumbled upon something when doing a project this past year, but do not remember what project you stumbled upon it. 

Having read the help files for zoot, I have a basic idea how you achieve all of this (however I need to reread the manual)  But I am curious  about this

 " As a practical matter if I get a bill via email, I mark it as a bill w a single click, Zoot automatically fills in the $$ field & I supply a due date. As soon as I give it a due date, the bill disappears from my inbox & is copied/moved to the CALENDAR.dB"
 How does zoot identify the dollar amounts?  

Is the hidden folder that you mentioned a "smart folder"? Is it one of Zoot's template smart folders or one that you created yourself?  I realize this question (like alot of this) might show my ignorance. 

also... I am really curious...   what do you mean when you say  at 30,000 feet?  "At 30,000 ft, any item I create or is created automatically in any of the dBs"

Again, thank you so much for sharing this.  

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Jan Rifkinson

Dec 19, 2020, 7:04:13 PM12/19/20
how many databases do you typically toggle between when using Zoot?
And how well do you find the global search is able to handle
searching all the databases? I am thinking if you know you stumbled
upon something when doing a project this past year, but do not
remember what project you stumbled upon it.

On my dB toolbar I have more than what I use on a regular basis but I generally find myself using: CONTACTS.dB, JOURNAL.dB, CALENDAR.dB, MAIL.dB, HELP.dB.  Sometimes I also use FILES.dB, RECIPES.dB & NOTES.dB
Global search works fine.  You can select field & which dBs to search in simple global search via FILTER (CTRL Q)  & more complicated searches via QUERY
Each method will present you with a list of items that fit your criteria with snippets so you can see of each item.  You can save all items & then search within that folder or just select which ever one or two or three items & SAVE AS to a folder &/or dB.
For example, if you were doing a GLOBAL SEARCH for "ferrari" and Zoot finds 3 items, you can save them to a NOTES.dB or to your CAR.dB if you have one. Also you can OPEN the three items & Zoot will show you a window with the 3 items. You can read each item & just save the one note you were looking for. If those notes have links in them, you can click the link to see that connected item.....  The HELP file is pretty complete.  If the above is not clear, open HELP & search for "Search"

Having read the help files for zoot, I have a basic idea how you
achieve all of this (however I need to reread the manual) But I am
curious about this " As a practical matter if I get a bill via
email, I mark it as a bill w a single click, Zoot automatically fills
in the $$ field & I supply a due date. As soon as I give it a due
date, the bill disappears from my inbox & is copied/moved to the
CALENDAR.dB" How does zoot identify the dollar amounts?

First create a field column named $$ (or whatever). In properties use the FIELD BLASTER option and enter your delimited value. Zoot identifies the amount with field blaster & delimited field so if all your items show AMOUNT DUE:  You would make AMOUNT DUE: the delimiter & it should show up in the field column.  In HELP file search for "Field Blaster" and click on "Field Blaster - How To"

Is the hidden folder that you mentioned a "smart folder"? Is it one
of Zoot's template smart folders or one that you created yourself? I
realize this question (like alot of this) might show my ignorance.

Yes the folder is a "Smart Folder" I created myself. I hide it b/c it only serves to move the item to my CALENDAR.dB. In HELP search for "Smart Folder" and click on "Smart Folder - How To"

also... I am really curious... what do you mean when you say at
30,000 feet? "At 30,000 ft, any item I create or is created
automatically in any of the dBs

Sorry. 30,000 ft is just an American expression which means: taking a wide view of a problem to see all the steps from beginning to the end instead of getting hung up on a single step.
I hope this helps you.  Don't be afraid to experiment. Start small. Zoot will not lose any item. It will not even lose it if you DEL it. (You will be able to find it in the DELETED folder until you COMPACT your dB) at which time Zoot will clear the deleted items.

Have a good day/evening.

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA


Apr 26, 2021, 1:17:23 PM4/26/21
I thought that I had replied to this from the email, but logging onto the google group, I see somehow I failed.  I think it was because I replied to the email rather than logging in.  

Knowing what databases you are using is definitely helpful. I am assuming you created the recipes database as a custom database? 

Your post was very helpful in helping me understand more. I went back to the help file and looked up "field blaster" and I see how this could be the key to many automatons I know are possible with Zoot.  I understand how these things work in theory, but need to to find the time to try it out.   

I completely agree with your advice about starting small.   I will speak from experience,  I did not know how to start small.  If I were to recommend starting small to someone else, I would tell them to  start  adding some rss feeds to zoot as there you can begin to see the methodology that zoot uses to process incoming information, and while that process seems a little different for each service it has been designed to work with- it helps get comfortable with "the mighty" item. 

Zoot, is intimidating, especially if someone has not really worked with databases or systems like this.  

MB Ira

May 6, 2021, 3:03:02 PM5/6/21
Hi Tom, 
Is there a link to the YouTube channel? I too would like to re-ignite my Zoot usage and videos (made by you or the community) would be most helpful.


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Jan 31, 2024, 2:32:58 PMJan 31

It has been a while since I posted this,  but  I think you should check out some of the tutorials out there for Zotero. It has a lot of similarities and it occurred to me that the tutorials for Zotero could almost be direct outlines for for introductory tutorials to Zoot. The tutorials seem to take two different approached (like were mentioned here) Either short introductory videos like you see here:

Or longer webinars/ workshops like you see here:

(have not reviews the longer ones)

I often end up talking about zoot with people who are big fans of zotero (the reference manager). I say "If you love Zotero, you will love Zoot."   When it is explained to them, they get it, but the learning curve and the comfort level and a broader support community to encourage them to use Zoot isn’t there.

Zoot can be somewhat daunting. Zotero is the same but it has a huge following.

Every so often I check to see if there has been any movement on the video tutorial front. I know Tom is busy and I try to be respectful, but I truly believe that the lack of really any video tutorials for zoot software is why there is slower adoption.  

I send this with so much respect. 

Tom Davis

Jan 31, 2024, 5:13:29 PMJan 31
I have everything ready for video now.  I have the tabletop microphone, the acoustic panels on the walls, the software.  So almost there.  I'm dealing with some new security steps google is making everyone jump through, and that has a deadline attached to it, but after that I'll have an opportunity to do the videos.
Zoot is a pretty mature product at this point, so much of the work I do going forward will be maintenance.  I'm digging the new Prompt Engineer, I must say.  That needs a video for sure.
Also, just on a super useful level, the ability to invoke the Zooter by holding down Ctrl+Shift and then copying something to the clipboard.  Very handy for quickly clipping snippets here and there.

Tom Davis
Zoot Software

From: Dale []
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 02:32 PM
Subject: Re: [ZOOT] How about a Zooters Show & Tell ???


Feb 1, 2024, 11:31:50 AMFeb 1
 Out of curiosity what software are you using to record? 
So glad you are almost there with the videos!!  I have been asked so many times if I know of any videos that are available. 

I will have to play around with the control shift key function.  See so many functions that I am not aware off.  

Tom Davis

Feb 1, 2024, 11:55:28 AMFeb 1
Out of curiosity what software are you using to record?

Camtasia, which I've paid for many times in anticipation of doing videos.  I think I'm in $1200 at this point.  Now there are all kinds of free apps that would probably do just fine.


Feb 1, 2024, 4:15:01 PMFeb 1

Ouch.  I am sorry.   Techsmiths have a good reputation though. 

Tom Davis

Feb 1, 2024, 8:00:08 PMFeb 1
Ouch. I am sorry. Techsmiths have a good reputation though.

My fault, not theirs!  🙂


Feb 17, 2024, 9:41:21 AMFeb 17

Yes, but I am still sorry.  It still sucks.  I was just saying I think you chose a good company, cause I have heard good things about techsmiths.  
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