AI Podcast

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Tom Davis

Jun 15, 2023, 8:15:12 AM6/15/23
to Zoot User Group

This is a SPECTACULARLY good interview of Mustafa Suleyman by Kara Swisher. If you want to get your head around where AI is now and where it's going, this is a must listen. Couldn't find a better interviewer or interviewee. Probably not something you can listen to passively, if you want to take on board everything covered, because it moves at quite a clip.
I'm going to listen to it again, which I never do with podcasts.  My favorite quote I'll paraphrase here: "Everything that everyone is saying about AI is true - it just depends on the timeline."

Tom Davis
Zoot Software

Roy Appletree

Jun 28, 2023, 6:45:28 PM6/28/23
to Zoot Google Group
I just got around to listening.  

I expected something a bit more technical, but the pod was better than that.

As you wrote, it helped to get my head around where AI is now (also where it was) and where it is going.

As a semi-techie, social security recipient, I was struck by the comment about our older elected officials trying to create regulations.  The point being that they / we did not grow up in the advanced computer age and therefore have a hard time conceptualizing where this all is headed.

Thank you for the suggestion.

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Tom Davis

Jun 30, 2023, 12:31:13 PM6/30/23
I wish they had dug into this a bit more:
"And so it's spreads far and wide. And it sounds simplistic to say that because it's almost like so obvious that that's the case, but it's easy to lose sight of what that means if that applies in the case of LLMs, it means that in five years or ten years, it will track the same exponential trajectory that we've seen over the last 60 years with the transistor, which is that it's got radically cheaper, likely smaller, radically fast and powerful, and therefore it's going to proliferate far and wide and that's really the other side of the existential extinction threat, that everybody is talking about."
I think where he's going is the idea that giving everyone superpowers might not be such a good idea.  Bad actors and such.

Tom Davis
Zoot Software

From: Roy Appletree []
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 06:43 PM
To: Zoot Google Group []
Subject: Re: [ZOOT] AI Podcast

Jan Rifkinson

Jun 30, 2023, 12:57:22 PM6/30/23
That descriptive paragraph gave me a headache. I'll take your point. 

Jan Rifkinson

Tom Davis

Jul 1, 2023, 10:06:59 AM7/1/23
lol.  It is a transcript I should note.

Tom Davis
Zoot Software

From: Jan Rifkinson []
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2023 12:57 PM
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