Hello Anderson,
In addition, you can add a refresh button to the ZnetDK action bar to refresh on demand the datatable content.
For that, you just have to add a button with the "zdk-bt-refresh" class into your zdkactionbar element:
<!-- Actions bar -->
<div class="zdk-action-bar" data-zdk-dialog="demo-crud-dlg" data-zdk-datatable="demo-crud-table">
<!-- Action buttons -->
<button class="zdk-bt-refresh"></button>
<button class="zdk-bt-add">New</button>
<button class="zdk-bt-edit">Edit</button>
<button class="zdk-bt-remove" data-zdk-action="democrudctrl:remove">Remove</button>
The datatable set for the 'data-zdk-datatable' attribute is then automatically refreshed when clicking on the refresh button.