How to reuse chart sections

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Sep 14, 2009, 11:24:42 AM9/14/09
to ZiYa Plugin
Hi everyone,

In our application, for every chart we have different sections common
to all charts:
- drill_down anchor (a component :link_data)
- drill_up link anchor (a component :draw and a component :link with a
javascript url)
- maximize link anchor (another component :draw and a component :link)

We tought about putting the common sections in a lower level chart
definition yml, but if the chart component (for example the :draw
component) is redefined in higher level chart definition yml, the
lower level one is overridden and lost.

Is there a way to factorize some yml sections in order to reuse tthem
in different chart definition files?

Fernand Galiana

Sep 16, 2009, 10:31:15 AM9/16/09

  Thank you for the feedback !! Excellent question.

  Indeed that is an issue with ZiYa. I am looking into it right now to allow you to enhance the draw and link
components in subsequent stylesheets instead of simply overriding what was there.

  Will push a new release shortly...



Sep 16, 2009, 12:00:39 PM9/16/09
to ZiYa Plugin
Just released 2.1.5 on github. Hopefully this will work better for

Please report back and let me know if that fixes the issue.

Thanks !


On Sep 16, 8:31 am, Fernand Galiana <> wrote:
> Hi,
>   Thank you for the feedback !! Excellent question.
>   Indeed that is an issue with ZiYa. I am looking into it right now to allow
> you to enhance the draw and link
> components in subsequent stylesheets instead of simply overriding what was
> there.
>   Will push a new release shortly...
> -Fernand


Sep 22, 2009, 4:38:05 AM9/22/09
to ZiYa Plugin
Hi Fernand,
We installed the latest 2.1.5 and attempted to refactor shared yml
definitions into base_chart. We found that defining elements
component :chart_rect, or comp :legend in base_chart.yml are
successfully shared between other chart yml definitions. However,
attempting to define comp :draw or component :link_data in
base_chart.yml results in the following errors:

../public/charts/themes/ifad/base_chart -- syntax error on line 26,
col 2: ` draw: !ruby/object:Ziya::Charts::Support::Draw'
../public/charts/themes/ifad/base_chart -- syntax error on line 122,
col 6: ` link_data: !ruby/object:Ziya::Charts::Support::LinkData'

Appreciate your input.


Sep 22, 2009, 9:47:25 AM9/22/09
to ZiYa Plugin
Fernand, nevermind, I had incorrectly formatted yml code. Thanks
again for fix.
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