Cannot query Zipkin UI for a specific Tag value

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Minh Nguyen Nhat

Mar 1, 2023, 6:29:37 PM3/1/23
to zipkin-user

I am relatively new to Zipkin, but I have recently started using it it record traces for my micro service based applications written in .NET. I am using the Zipkin 2.23.0 version and instrument my application using the zipkin4net instrumentation library. When I send a trace to the collector I also attach several tags to it for the purposes of filtering. Does anyone know why I am not able to query my trace based on a specific tagQuery or serviceName? Whenever I try to query, I get all the traces returned instead of the ones I was looking for. 

I have a trace that contains a tag with name "batchId" and I want to query using this tag, but when I do so, Zipkin still displays all the traces. Why is this happening? AM I missing something?
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