Fw: Fwd: Great NEWS! Please read!

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Grace m. Ho

May 20, 2014, 3:01:17 PM5/20/14
to zinsser-comm...@googlegroups.com, Beth Fonfrias, wur...@hotmail.com, Julie Manco

Please read & spread & support this if you can...
On Tuesday, May 20, 2014 1:52 PM, Cindy Wu <wuci...@gmail.com> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Moms Across America <in...@momsacrossamerica.com>
Date: Tue, May 20, 2014 at 10:55 AM
Subject: Great NEWS! Please read!
To: Cindy Wu <cin...@nyc.rr.com>

Moms Across America

Moms Across America

Cindy --

I write to THANK YOU for your fantastic contribution to our cause.
Last week the EPA told us, on Wednesday, day 3 of our 5 day campaign "Moms CALL THE EPA to RECALL ROUNDUP"
that 10,000 women had called. They asked, could we "slow the volume of calls down"?
By Friday they asked us to stop "so we can do our jobs."
By Monday, the EPA agreed to meet with us!

 Zen Honeycutt, founder MAA will be on the east coast next week, due to Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds generosity, to speak at the March Against Monsanto NYC and Comstocke Ferre Festival in CT, so a trip to DC makes sense.  Zen, East Coast leader Zoe, DC leader Stephanie and a few other Moms/scientists will meet with Roundup glyphosate review board next Tuesday.

The review of Roundup only happens once every 15 years and it is happening now. This is the time for you to speak up. Please email momsNO...@gmail.com for MAA Mom Nanette to print out your short health testimonial and get your message to the EPA. Please do this by tomorrow, Wed am by 10:00. Nanette is printing a binder of studies, articles and testimonials for the EPA. Thank you Nanette!

We also ask, if you can donate TODAY and support this cause, funds will be used for flights for a Thinking Moms Revolution leader and a a few Moms who may head up a lawsuit. Their attendance would make a difference for us all. About $2000 should cover 4 flights.
If sufficient funds are raised, we will buy some or all the tickets, if not any donations made will go towards GMO/Glyphosate info materials to continue to raise awareness. So either way your donation makes a huge difference. Donate at www.momsacrossamerica.com/donate
Thank you!

With Utmost Gratitude and Joy,

Zen Honeycutt and MAA Team

P.S. Make SURE to google your town's 4th of July parade today, many deadlines are May 23 for parade apps!! You will get FREE flyers, stickers, and buttons as a parade host with paid shipping ($14-30.00). First come first serve while supplies last. Once supplies are out we will not be re ordering for months. You will need to buy your own banner ($35.00) . We suggest a garage sale to gather funds for shipping and banner. https://www.facebook.com/events/539871652789368/

Also MARCH AGAINST MONSANTO this Saturday!Make sure to bring a sign up sheet for MAA to Connect with other Moms! Many of them feel alone, get together and empower each other!!!
Thank you!!

Moms Across America
Moms Across America · Mission Viejo, CA, United States
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