Trouble selecting by location and exporting data

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May 17, 2010, 11:41:59 PM5/17/10
to zigGIS
Hi -

New to ZigGIS - I recently purchased v. 2.0.5. I'm using ArcMap 9.3
and zigGIS to connect to a Postgres/PostGIS database (Postgres 8.3.7
and PostGIS 1.3).

I am working with a PostGIS table with point geometries. I also have a
view to this table opened in ArcMap as well. I can view/symbolize
these layers fine (haven't tried editing). One of the basic tasks I am
trying to accomplish is to select a group of records from the PostGIS
table or the PostGIS view based on a location within a polygon layer
(not PostGIS - a regular shapefile), and then export that subset to a

When doing the Select by Location to select a subset of the PostGIS
features, I get the following error: "An unexpected error occurred in
the Select By Location command. Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned
from a call to a COM component.".

I can select a subset of the PostGIS features graphically or using
Select by Attribute, but if I try to export the selection to a
shapefile, I get the following message:
"Error exporting data
Number of shapes does not match the number of table records" A
shapefile is created, but is corrupted and cannot be opened.

The errors occur whether I am selecting/exporting from the table or
from the view. I'm dead in the water - any idea what is going on?


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Abe Gillespie

May 18, 2010, 12:11:50 PM5/18/10
This looks like it'll take some digging into. Can you contact me off
list? abe -at-

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