Question regarding zigbee implementation on client and server without console

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Aimen Hammou

Nov 17, 2021, 5:07:00 AM11/17/21

First and foremost: does the code support WiFi transmission? 

I have a raspberry pi which is connected to a CC2531 dongle that operates as a coordinator of the network.

If my understanding is correct: 
  • The zigbee-dongle-cc2531 folder is the one that controls the dongle connected to raspberry.
  • The zigbee-gateway-client manages the command that the rasp. receive
  • The zigbee-gateway-server manages the transmissions and reception of the commands

How do I manage the end-devices?

I have an intelligent touch-screen where I set a temperature and control a radiator thermostat.
But how do I send a thermostat cluster command from the touch screen to the dongle, which sends it to the thermostat?

For the Zigbee protocol to work Zigbee has to be implemented on all components of the network but I can't grasp which part of the code manages the end points and the binding of them to the network.

If possible: is there any way to communicate through ZOOM or Skype to discuss the implementation?

Best Regards,

Aiman Hammou

Aimen Hammou

Nov 17, 2021, 5:40:04 AM11/17/21
Ok, I've realized that the dongle flashes the Z-STACK native firmware.

So the gateway client-server manages the command shell?
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