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Tanja Freeze

Jun 28, 2024, 8:01:02 PM (7 days ago) Jun 28
to ziewesongu

I got a little lost with your goal, but why not enable archiving on 365, set a policy to archive emails older than months old, then do the migration from EXCH to EXO allowing the EXO system to workout the locations for you.

As per Microsoft, the error may be caused due to a root certificate on the Exchange hybrid server being missing or corrupted. Check this to learn more, Your archive appears to be unavailable error in a hybrid deployment. - Microsoft 365 Microsoft Learn

@rod-it When enabling archiving on-prem, there is an option to create a cloud-based archive, which creates the archive in M365. You can then archive to 365 based on date with retention policy. So, my goal is to archive to 365 anything over 5 years to get under 50 GB and then move the primary.

Also remember that if you have ever created a mailbox on O365 using the On premise Enable-RemoteMailbox command, add the O365 ExchangeGUID to the On Premise recipient before trying to migrate the mailbox or else it will fail.

I have come across a number of articles on migrating distribution groups to Office 365 when you're not in hybrid mode. My situation is having hundreds of DLs on my on-prem Exchange environment that I need to move to the cloud. We don't want these converted to Office 365 groups, we want true distribution groups in the cloud. Is this possible with scripting or some other method? I really don't want to have to re-create these by hand.

To make sure that I understand what you want to do: you have a set of DLs on-premises and you now want to move them to Exchange Online without changing any of the members. You don't want to create new Office 365 Groups based on the DLs - you just want to use the DLs as they are.

Do you have a hybrid environment? If so, you can use AADConnect to synchronize the on-premises DLs with AAD so that they appear in the cloud GAL. The groups will have to be managed on-premises because they are "owned" by that environment.

If you don't want to synchronize the groups, you can recreate the DLs in the cloud. This is a manual process as there is no tool that I know of to move a DL from one environment to the other. However, it's easy enough to use PowerShell to export DL membership to something like a CSV file (on-premises) and then read that CSV file to create the DL in the cloud.

Use the Get-DistributionGroupMember to get the membership of the on-prem DL and then create the new DL inside Exchange Online (a cloud object) before populating its membership (Add-DistributionGroupMember) with the objects you fetched from the original DL. You can connect PowerShell to both the on-prem and cloud environments at the same time, so you can run these commands in a single session.

EDIT: Thinking about it, I've realized doing what I've described above should change the ID of the DG since it isn't a migrated object but a created one. Therefore, I suppose people who use Autocomplete (meaning everybody ^^) will be screwed.

If you don't do this, you'll end up having to keep an on-premises server to manage the objects that remain there. It is easy enough to script the recreation and deletion with PowerShell. You'll need to have a session connected to both on-premises and the cloud when you run it.

So in order to completely migrate to 365 there is no way to move the on prem distro's 365 exchange with out creating new distro's in cloud. In other words the distro sync'd by AD will go away once you decomission the on prem exchange?

As of now if i create a distro in the cloud external users cannot reach that email group. ( my MX records still point on Prem ) I have a second domain in my 365 exchange which does have the mx records point to the 365 exchange and they are working fine so i am assuming that when i change my mx records to point to 365 those " in cloud" distro's will work just fine.

Just want to ensure that i'm understanding the reading in this article correct before proceeding. I've got just about every mailbox created and will be left with room mail boxes and distro's to finish this migration. My goal is to decomission the on prem exchange server and just leave a mail relay .

You should recreate the DLs in the cloud and then remove the on-premises equivalent. People often script this removal so that the new cloud DL receives the old email address used for the on-prem DL. You could do it like this:

As a part of this process would I want to change the existing X500 address along with the DL's mail address, and then use those on the new Online DL? Or would I be creating a new X500 address on the Online replacement DL?

The X.500 address is from the old DL. Email sent to the old DL will have the X.500 address in the header, so if you move the X.500 address to the new DL it means that Exchange will be able to deliver replies to the messages sent to the old DL.

I was reading an article when searching how to do this and it claimed if you went to office 365 exchange admin, went to groups and in the upper right clicked on upgrade distribution lists it would let you move them however when I click there it doesn't show any of my on prem DLs.

thanks, it may be something like that. There aren't any nested members but as you say there might be something about them. I created a new group about an hour ago, it just had 2 names in it but it wouldn't let me migrate it. I'll ask MS to see if they can figure it out.

@Tony Redmond Thanks - that is the article I was looking at. I opened a case with MS but he got distracted by something else. He seemed to think since it was synced I shouldn't worry about it which might be valid but I'm trying to avoid the day that their exchange server stops working and it depends on anything that is on prem. I'll open another case.

I have been tasked with developing a migration plan for our SharePoint 2007 applications. *Full disclosure- I've never done this before*. My question is, what is the minimum version I have to be at to migrate to SharePoint 2016 online? I'm getting mixed info. Some saying I can make the jump from 2010 and others saying I need to be at 2013. While 3rd party sites tout going from 2007 on-prem to 2016 online with their product. Just looking for some accurate info from folks way more experienced than I. Thanks in advance.

When migrating from SharePoint On-premises to SharePoint Online (SharePoint cloud), 3rd party products in general provide the beste experience. ShareGate, Metalogix and AvePoint are big players providing 3rd party migration tools. You should check their websites but there are lots of blogs out there comparing the products.

We migrated our intranet from 2007 to Online using a combination of PowerShell and ShareGate. You'll need to be aware though that embedded links within documents or on links to images, webparts etc... will need to be remade if they reference your old site URL. We were able to utilise re-write rules to overcome this temporarily during the transition. Also this method didn't allow us to fully utilise the newer features and webparts. We decided to classify it as an upgrade of platform rather than redesign the intranet however we are now embarking on a redesign which will probably mean we'll migrate to a new site but that should be easier move from Online to Online.

Thank you so much for your response. I have been looking into Metalogix as a possibility, but I'm still digging through our SP to verify it's content and makeup. Just so I'm not blindsided by a customization that kills a settled on plan of attack. The MS migration tool currently (or what I've found so far) only handles 2013 to 2016. I believe they are working on a 2010 to 2016 though.

Many of the changes we make to mailboxes, etc., requires the use of the Exchange 2010 console (which doesn't support modern auth, and therefore doesn't work anymore) or editing AD attributes directly.

Not that I'm aware of. When using Azure AD Connect, the source of authority for all objects synched to Office 365 is the on premises AD. This is still something Microsoft is working on AFAIK. Their recent changes (at the link below) and with Steve Goodman's tool piggybacking off those is a step closer, but we're not quite there yet. While some Exchange things can be managed solely (and only) from the cloud side, like mailbox delegation, most everything else needs to be managed from on-prem.

We have an on-prem SharePoint farm that we distribute reports to by mail enabling the libraries and lists. This method works very well for on-prem. However, it doesn't look like we can mail enable libraries/lists in SharePoint online.

@AbhiUKVM no there is no change from the original post. The Reporting Tool in the new QlikSense Cloud(Saas) does have a connector to OneDrive, so I don't think its likely this will be added in NPrinting.

I have a problem with the correct understanding regarding Email-Routing between Exchange Online and on-prem according to where the Mailbox within a hybrid Setup is located, online or on-prem.
Therefor I have a few questions:

My main concern is, based on what does EXO decide whether it gives an email for an user which is in AzureAD, but has no online mailbox (is not yet migrated), to give it another try and forward the email to the peer on-prem server, or to reject it? Why is the domain for the primary user mail-address so decisive, especially because both domains and are configured the same way, authoritative on both Exchange server.

And what is a good approach re. MX records, when should I switch from on-prem MX to online MX or keep both with different priority for while etc...? How does this affect the mail flow, not from the perspective of the mail servers in internet, these are fine, but fro the hybrid mail flow between on-prem online.

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