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Masheng, my crowned Japanese Queen, present me a new snow after second drizzle.

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ben zhu

Mar 31, 2010, 9:49:41 PM3/31/10
to, be21zh@googlegroups, beinzh@googlegroups, benzyrnill@googlegroups, birdous@googlegroups, birdus@googlegroups, ChinaDemocracy@googlegroups, emake@googlegroup, emperyhigh@googlegroups, iidchina@googlegroups, philosonankai@googlegroups, wuxue@googlegroups, zhudajiu@googlegroups, zhuson@googlegroups


a mild snow after second drizzle in lunar 2010.^yesterday i stayed in office over time. the sky later turns gloomy&yellow, likely sandstorm in air. i prayed God for his mightiness and bliss for i lingering in office all day, not retreated to dorm as usual. the facing evil absent all work day, while the monitor, a criminal, was arranged to accompany tourism from the company to Anhui Prov. in the wellfare policy of labor union. i enjoyed surfing non-stop so much, and the only pain is sometimes my ass. last night when i returned to dorm, a cat asking my feeding. it was hurt, a long wound on its back, very brutal. i bought 2 sausage for it, and fed it manually, but it didn't ate much. the owner of the cat in the dorm said he don't know who hurt the cat, but the cat likely fear the young man in th dorm. Masheng, last night i again reviewed our golden moment in Nankai Univ, thank u for the white&saint gift, the snow, pl join me sooner. God, saves the kitty, even u tells me i shouldn't raise pets, and cats don't align with my world in ur shine, in righteous and beautiful and fit. thx.

From first rain in lunar 2010
From first rain in lunar 2010

below is my web comments on last day in Mar, 2010.

China wasting its labor by replicate and steal.

Chinese most software&web service will die in the same way, just for their featureless. The dogged mined China authority nowadays driving lots of social energy wasting in the same way: duplicate poor quality product parallel to advanced product in Christian world, just feeds its dictator’s sick will to feel inferior again and again to the world leader in US in hundred years since the fall of Ming dynasty on the scary land, to assure the totalitarian that he still owns some cheap labors from the stealth of state power, in the lent fake cause of state security. they steal and copy, but all of them just a waste of dog shits. China, had to learn to stand up on the shoulder of giant like America, not the cheap locksmith it beholds in its history that’s not short and time to arouse.

for the resource of this digest missing in Chinese media’s copy and hide the original, i failed to find trackback. like this article related: .all China media report on technology like just a case of mocking after translation from the western counterpart, a case of stealth.

new cyberspace assets with help from Taiwan friend.

family added new member sites&blogs from google, via Taiwanese friend’s help. world opener for me now, in the hatred of spying dark factor. visit new site http://emyark.wordpress.comhttp://zhuzz.wordpress.comhttp://zhucj.wordpress.comhttp://amyaak.blogspot.com ,all my valuable space of expression in freedom.
its a gloomy day since yesterday’s rain. God sees how the rain productively. i can’t wait for the budding of trees’ branches and flowers.

Benzrad Zhu i love google profiles, hope it grows steadily. world opener with google’s deeds.
google wouldn’t missing any social networks, its in God’s favor.
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Benzrad Zhu Re: @shonali i read some biography of woman leaders, like Angela Merkel or Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, mostly they had a quite positive father, and act align the rule of the existing world. i think the rule of world don’t change, and IS universal, but God gifts the abidings, the smarter seeing God’s light. i do believe non-impossible of God’s mightiness.

Benzrad Zhu Re: @LPT after all, God saves.

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