stand on Father's land, stronger than ever.

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ben zhu

May 5, 2010, 12:44:40 AM5/5/10
to, be21zh@googlegroups, beinzh@googlegroups, benzyrnill@googlegroups, birdous@googlegroups, birdus@googlegroups, ChinaDemocracy@googlegroups, emake@googlegroup, emperyhigh@googlegroups, iidchina@googlegroups, philosonankai@googlegroups, wuxue@googlegroups, zhudajiu@googlegroups, zhuson@googlegroups


settled in dad's house, in hometown village Zhudajiu.^its has been almost a week since last blog. now, after 3 days on the road, i settled in the old house of my passed dad. my aged mom cooked for me, and i enjoyed the food very much as usual. the broadband likely will working next day. it has been sunny days since my arrival. yesterday i slept a lot, amid reckons from the shrewd folks in the village, whose inhabitant mostly in family name Zhu. last night it again hard for me to sleep, i felt God, my passed dad aside me, and all of sins in the folks, esp. their wives.
the journey on the train is the tour i babbled most in my life. in thirst for my missing girl zhou, as well as my other wives, i searched every single girl for my beloved. in my dad's house these days sometimes those girls' friendly attitude toward me when i sought talking with them reappeared in my mind eyes, and i was deeply touched by their tender hearts for me. on the distant bus from Wuhan to Wuxue, my hometown county, the movie on the bus is a love story, the endeared moment with my girl zhou in QRRS was called forth to my mind, i was more assured that love is immortal, and my new family with my girl zhou, is blessed even stronger.
last night it rained first time since my arrival. to be exact it started in late afternoon. when it drizzled, i didn't see God's view. but in the night it turns clear. my surf&reading occasionally led to some exotic pictures, then i sensed all dirt among the villagers under my feet. i see God's mercy and kindness. last time when i lived in the village for more than 2 months, it was exactly the dirt around drove me away from my passed dad, God, his land. the rain also a Bliss and nutrition to my beloved that praying for our gathering. i know God sets it up already, and in the most elegant and brilliant way.
this morning i finally broke China surveillance which failed me many attempts yesterday, successfully posted all photos&videos in the journey. God grants my enjoyable working space anywhere i bring with. Ok, its time for launch. bye, all my girls, i know girl zhou follows me in this county and countryside. bring me my fuel and drinks, my best beloved! i love u all, my dearest, my brides. God sees and sets in the only Son. 

From Hometown Journey Ⅱ

From prelude of benzrad's Hometown Journey

From prelude of benzrad's Hometown Journey

From prelude of benzrad's Hometown Journey

playful baby on his skateshoes video:
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for picasaweb&flickr blocked within China mainland, the shit&dog dominated sinful land, here some digest of photos hosted domestically.

baby son, warrenzh, 朱楚甲, domain owner of, immersed in pc games.

proud father, benzrad, 朱子卓, and joyful baby son, warrenzh, 朱楚甲.

my dad, 朱中明, Father in Heaven, his tomb here in my hometown village.

the ever green slope of our back mountain, 大璧山. world blesses it.

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