Dear all,
We are making a development release '0.3dev' of our Zeta
web-application product. Here is the extract of Changelog.
Zeta - 0.3dev
- Zeta features and enhancements
- Framework created for integrating Version Control System (VCS).
- SVN integrated with Zeta-VCS.
- Google-web analytics option.
- Zeta bugfixes.
- When a project administrator is accessing a page in his/her
project's context (i.e) when c.project is set, then full access is
given to the user (who is the project administrator).
- User 'middle name' is made optional and entirely removed from
user registration page. Users can set their 'middle name' only through
their preference page.
- Projects are listed in sorted order in Project listing page.
- While updating the milestone / version details, the updated
elements should retain its value.
- Color coding for tickets are prioritized by, tck_statusname,
tck_severityname, tck_typename
- In ticket show page, due_date is not interpreted for resolved tickets.
- In ticket show page, ticket heading is styled with
'line-through' for resolved tickets.
- In ticket list page, due_date is styled with 'line-through' for
resolved tickets.
- In ticket list page, when the ticket details are updated, the
color coding is updated as well.
- Account-Info form is submitted with normalsub=true. Previously
it was neither normal submission nor a special submission.
You can access the demo site at
Note :
* Zeta is the code name of our Project Management and Software
Configuration Management tool.
* ZWiki is the code name of our wiki engine that powers Zeta.
* The current releases are development releases and could be unstable.
If you find bugs, anomalies or if you have any comments, feel free to
communicate with us., prataprc @ twitter,
PS : In case you don't want to receive these release mails let me know.