Zeta : 0.41dev development release

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Pratap Chakravarthy

Dec 4, 2009, 3:07:26 AM12/4/09
to zeta-d...@googlegroups.com
Dear all,

'0.41dev' is out. Along with zwiki-0.8dev.
Carrying forward, a public group
http://groups.google.com/group/zeta-discuss is now created. Thank you
very much for your support so far. Looking forward to meet you at


Apart from feature additions and bug-fixes, we have ironed out couple
of deployment issues as well. These were causing the "Internal Server
Error" in certain cases. Do let me know if you continue facing this
issue. Your browser might have cookies saved from previous access to
the demo-site, which are invalid now and might lead to "Bad Cookies"
message. In which case, just re-visit http://demo.devwhiz.net

Accessing the demonstration site :

site : http://demo.devwhiz.net
username : admin
password : admin123

Here is the extract of CHANGELOG for the latest release.

Zeta 0.41dev:

- Zeta features and enhancements

- RSS syndication added for all timelines.
- Faceted search using Xapian search engine, with live indexing support.
- Project's component-description, milestone-description,
milestone-closing_remark, version-description support wiki markup.

- Zeta bugfixes

- Signin template used by Authkit returns a non-string datatype to
mod_wsgi. Force encoding to 'utf-8' in render_signin() function
- Pruned caching bugs in 'metanav' and 'mainnav' templates.
- Optimized the number of dbase queries from permission-system.

Zwiki 0.8dev :

- ZWiki features and enhancements

- Introducing Style-shortcuts for Text-markups, Big-table markups,
- Nested, Zwiki extension added.

- ZWiki bug fixes.

- url for project-users not properly formed in Projectteams() macro.
- Text markup lexer merged with zwlexer.py
- YearsBefore() macro computes expired days in (years, months).
- Project*() macro templates changed.
- Blockquoting supports text-markups across newlines, but within
the same level of blockquote.


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