Opportunity for local action - SD County Food Justice Community Action Plan

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Laura Anthony

Sep 3, 2024, 6:36:46 PMSep 3
to zerowa...@googlegroups.com

I hope you all enjoyed the long Labor Day weekend. As a recent participant of our Advocacy 101 training, I wanted to share this opportunity for local advocacy in action! Please see the information below and feel free to share with others. The County is hosting 3 more community roundtables this month as part of the County of San Diego's outreach for their Food Justice Community Action Plan. The next one is tonight at the Fallbrook County Library.

Sharing the email and flyer from County staff that is leading this engagement.

I hope you can attend one of the roundtables and/or submit feedback online

Have a great week,

Consuelo Martinez (she/her/ella)
San Diego Food System Alliance
Advocacy & Leadership Director
760-855-9723 cons...@sdfsa.org
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San Diego County Food Vision 2030
We are all on #NativeLand. The San Diego Food System Alliance acknowledges, honors, and offers our gratitude to the Kumeyaay, Luiseño/Payómkawichum, Cahuilla, and Cupeño/ Kuupangaxwichem people and land.

The San Diego County Board of Supervisors provided direction to the County Office of Sustainability and Environmental Justice (OSEJ) to steward the development of a Food Justice Community Action Plan (FJCAP) to address challenges of food access and food insecurity. The FJCAP initiative is strongly focused on community input to inform the action plan, which will go before the Board in December 2024. OSEJ is also partnering with other County departments, such as Public Health and Agriculture, Weights & Measures to develop the action plan and facilitate several community roundtables.


The community roundtables will be in-person, last 90 minutes, designed with activities to encourage participation/discussion, and held at locations around the County:

  • Wednesday, Aug 28, 6:00pm – 7:30pm: Spring Valley County Library
  • Thursday, Aug 29, 6:00pm – 7:30pm: Alpine County Library
  • Tuesday, Sep 3, 6:00pm – 7:30pm: Fallbrook County Library
  • Thursday, Sep 5, 6:00pm – 7:30pm: Lincoln Acres Community Room
  • Saturday, Sep 7, 11:00am – 12:30pm: Lemon Grove County Library


The FJCAP engage website is available, with additional information/resources, and access to online registration for the community roundtables.

We encourage registration in advance of the roundtables. There is also opportunity to provide FJCAP ideas and questions online at the engage website.

FJCAP engage website: https://engage.sandiegocounty.gov/food-justice-community-action-plan



Please pass on this information, along with the FJCAP engage website link and attached FJCAP flier, to any partners or contacts that may be interested in participating in the community roundtables.

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions.



Thank you!





Kimberly Greene (she/her/hers)| County of San Diego | Office of Sustainability and Environmental Justice (OSEJ) | Liaison, Group Program Manager

Cell: 858-239-8414 | Kimberl...@sdcounty.ca.gov | Land Use & Environment Group (LUEG) OSEJ Webpage


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Laura Anthony
Zero Waste San Diego

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FJC 240809 Flier FINAL (2).pdf
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