CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE/ CRRA San Diego Chapter and Zero Waste San Diego Public Meeting
WHEN: Thursday, February 8, 2024 from 12:00 – 2:00 pm
This meeting will be in-person with the option for virtual attendance
County of San Diego, Department of Public Works
5510 Overland Ave
2nd Floor, Conference Room #241
San Diego, CA 92123
MEETING LINK: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
Phone call in through Teams:
Call +1 619-343-2539 United States, San Diego (Toll) and enter the meeting ID 591 154 284#
Contact: Steve Weihe 858-694-2559
Submit Agenda Items to Chair Rick Anthony and County Staff Steve Weihe 2 weeks prior to the next meeting: and
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Approval, Minutes January 2024
3. Chair’s Report
4. Staff Reports
a. Cities
b. County
c. Haulers
d. Non-Profits
5. Public Comments and Communication
6. Regional Planning Issues
a. Wasting Fee
7. Legislative Update
8. Roundtable
9. Adjournment
WHEN: Thursday, January 11, from 12:00-2:00 p.m.
1. Welcome and Introductions
a. Chair
i. Ric Anthony, Zero Waste San Diego
b. Guests
i. Eric Wolff, County of San Diego
ii. Steve Weihe, County of San Diego
iii. Stephen Mergener, Zero Waste San Diego
iv. Lotte Phoummavong, Goodwill of San Diego
v. Debbie Dodson, Carton Council
vi. Helen and Ron Kagan, residents/UCSD
vii. Chanelle Carney, I Love A Clean San Diego
viii. Fernando Moreno, SCS Engineers
ix. McKenzie Anderson, Produce Good
x. Beryl Flom, League of Women Voters
xi. Derek Lam, City of San Diego
xii. Roland Harpin, City of San Diego
2. Approval, Minutes December 2023
a. approved
3. Chair’s Report
a. National Recycling Congress was postponed to March 2024-
b. California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA) annual conference held in Anaheim
i. August 18-21, 2024-
ii. Call for papers-
c. Zero Waste Symposium 2024
i. Wednesday, February 28, 2024-
ii. County Operations Center Chambers-5520 Overland Ave San Diego 92123
iii. Looking for sponsorships
4. Staff Reports
a. City of San Diego
i. 16 Christmas Tree drop off sites are open throughout the City
ii. Trees can go in the green bin if they are cut in half
iii. SB 1383 compliance
1. Mailers were sent out to Tier I/II businesses
2. Currently translating educational outreach
iv. Partnerships with franchise haulers
1. Will be conducting webinars on education (link pending)
v. Contamination studies at the Miramar Greenery are ongoing
vi. Composting contract with Solana Center was renewed
vii. Trash truck story time
viii. Tours at Miramar landfill/greenery
1. Starting again in April
b. County of San Diego
i. Site Visits
1. Actively visiting C&D sites, Tier I/II business (under SB 1383), commercial as well as multi-family residences to assist with recycling and organic waste educational outreach.
ii. Waivers
1. Reviews continue on both organic waste waiver exemptions and self-haul forms for recyclables.
i. No report
d. Non-Profits
i. League of Women Voters San Diego
1. No report
ii. Produce Good
1. Grocery gleaning partnership with Jimbos
2. Recently started gleaning excess produce from Costco in Carlsbad
3. Sorting 700-1,000 lbs. per week of produce for donation
4. Recently secured a contract with the City of Chula Vista
iii. Carton Council
1. No update
iv. Zero Waste San Diego (ZWSD)
1. Fix It Clinics
a. Still actively scheduling
b. 1/20/23 Fix It Clinic in Spring Valley
c. 2/10 Fix It Clinic in Chula Vista
d. 3/2 Fix It Clinic in Coronado
v. Sierra Club
1. No report
vi. I Love A Clean San Diego
1. Additional Cleanups scheduled for January 2024
2. Green Business Solutions webinar with Wells Fargo on 1/24 at 4 PM
vii. Solana Center
1. No report
viii. Goodwill San Diego
1. Offered to assist with any e-waste or donation collection events
ix. SCS Engineers
1. SB 1383 work continues
5. Public Comments and Communication
a. Attendees discussed
i. WTE (waste to energy) and some of the underlying issues
ii. PVC recycling with MIT and University of Michigan research (rarely recycled currently)
iii. Senate Bill 54-how to provide input on the process (public comment period is open-
iv. Eco Parks
b. Eric Wolff (County of San Diego)-Brown Act discussion (AB 2449)
i. The Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CAC) was set up as an advisory body to SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments)
ii. CAC meetings are open to the public
iii. Historical context
1. The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) was set up for the same purpose-to advise SANDAG on the California Integrated Waste Management Plan (CIWMP) every five years
i. During the COVID pandemic, the Brown Act did allow for virtual attendance for voting purposes
ii. AB2449 restricts virtual attendance (for voting members) except under specific purposes (ill, just cause)
1. Allows for two absences per year
2. In-person attendance is a requirement to be a voting member of CAC
3. At a future meeting, will need to determine who wishes to be a member (able to vote) or guest attendee
4. A summary of AB 2449 will be sent out with the meeting notes
iii. Attendees discussed
1. Guests can attend CAC meetings virtually but cannot vote or review CIWMP documents (members only)
2. The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) has not been actively involved with CAC
3. How to become a member of CAC?
a. Would involve asking the Chair at a future meeting and notating who would like to be a voting member and who would like to remain a guest of CAC
4. Who is CAC contact with SANDAG?
b. Keith Greer
5. Does CAC have a budget?
c. There is no budget but the County has designated the Recycling section to help facilitate meetings. SANDAG has not allocated funding for CAC.
6. What can CAC vote on?
d. To make comments on the CIWMP, send letters of support to SANDAG, among other items
7. There are outlets to share/bring up concerns before the official review period of the CIWMP
8. This group (CAC attendees) does have the option to meet as the Zero Waste group and potentially put CAC on hold until the CIWMP review
6. Regional Planning Issues
a. Wasting fee discussion (from Chair)
i. Cities need funds to educate all residents (regional program)
1. Wasting Fee could help fund a program like this
ii. Example: Stop Waste’s fee is at $30/ton and helps to fund education but also business loans and grants
iii. The overall goal is to reduce amount of waste going to the landfill; educating the public is key
1. Chair’s proposal-Increase the tip fee for materials landfilled by $10/ton to fund a regional agency to assist with education. Topics would include Recycle Right, funding loans and grants to create or assist businesses in reusing or recycling materials that are currently being landfilled.
2. Cities do not have sufficient funds to educate their residents
a. Need to coordinate this effort on a regional basis
3. How funds should be divided and who will oversee?
a. Chair suggests an advisory committee comprised of representatives from each respective city
b. Staff would be hired to implement the program
4. Chair anticipates taking the Wasting Fee topic to the Board of Supervisors (no specific timeline shared)
5. Chair stated he has spoken with Supervisor Lawsen Reemer’s office (Spencer Katz) regarding the Wasting Fee proposal
6. Chair plans to attend the next Regional Working Group meeting and discuss the Wasting Fee topic
iv. Attendees discussed
1. How technology and people can work together
7. Legislative Update
a. Legislators returned 1/3/24
b. SB 54 regulations were released- SB 54: Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act
8. Roundtable
9. Adjournment