**Please help us get the word out by forwarding this email to your network***
Hello All: For the seventh consecutive year, the California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA) K-12 Technical Council is awarding $200 mini-grants to California K-12 teachers. Teachers will be asked to explain how they will use $200 to advance their students' understanding of recycling/waste reduction. Though the application is brief note that this is a competitive grant process and teachers should submit their best ideas. We are looking for assistance with the following:
First — help us distribute the grant application to all teachers you think would be interested. This year we would love to see applications from every county in the State so please help us get the word out. The grant application form can be found
Second — we are expecting a lot of applications and we are looking for help in judging these applications. The CRRA K-12 Technical Council is looking for 20 judges to read approximately 20 applications each. Scoring will begin on December 2, and be completed by December 11. To volunteer to be a judge, please sign up by completing this
In addition, through the Clean California initiative, Keep California Beautiful is offering a $150 stipend for up to 700 teachers that incorporate a litter reduction activity into their education plans e.g., litter-related lesson, cleanup, or data collection. A report is required separately from the mini-grant. Click here more information and to complete the incentive application.
On behalf of the Executive Council of the CRRA K-12 Technical Council we thank you for helping!
Debbi Dodson
Recycling Coordinator, Carton Council
Executive Council Member, CRRA K-12 TC