Aug 15 Dance Party. Martin Whitman on Graham & Dodd. Buffett on Distressed Assets. Invitation from ChangZhou

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Aug 6, 2009, 11:06:01 AM8/6/09
to - Discover the Simple Way to Wealth

"What I learned in my Taichi lessons when I was a kid has helped my stock market operations. I listen to the forces of my opponent, Mr. Market. I stick my hands to the attacking forces and keep monitoring multiple variables. At rare moments, when I sense my opponent is clearly wrong and off-balance, I jump on the chance and pounce with explosive yet controlled energy. That's the essence of Financial Taichi for smart investing, somewhat similar to the lessons taught by Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger." (Brian Zen, CFA)

Aug. 15: Family Dance Party at World Financial Center
RSVP required: Please RSVP at the social network above or email: RSVP (at)

ChangZhou Invites Entrepreneurs 常州市邀请海外人才去常州创业

Martin Whitman: Graham & Dodd Is Outdated

To celebrate the world premier of Warren Buffett's Secret Millionaires Club, we are introducing the New York Chapter of the Secret Millionaires Club! We welcome children of all ages and their parents! Join us at:

Warren Buffett on Distressed Assets: - From Mind Power to Financial Bliss

As we work to build wealth for our frriends and ourselves, we should never forget our obligation to teach our next generation. To discover young superinvestors and to help families and businesses succeed financially, we now provide weekend accounting and math tutoring for our clients' kids. Quick! $894,675 + $349,876 + $8,769,456 = What? Would you like to see your 6 year-old kid compute this faster than your calculator? No silly rules to remember. You'll see results within 2 weeks. Super money minds like Warren Buffett and John D. Rockefeller all started at age 6. Why not start today to develop the money mind of yours and your kid's. Please call us for a $10 one hour trial class. If you are not happy, we will refund your money on spot! Call now: 646.388.0887 for a free consultation. To help his kids excel at school and share with them the Warren Buffett wisdom, Brian Zen, CFA, pioneered the Zenway System to develop young and curious money minds through drawing, math, and Tai Chi exercises. The Zenway Learning System is so successful that both of his kids scored excellent on IQ tests and entered the New York City Gifted & Talented Program.

To join the New York Chapter of Secret Millionaires Club, please visit:

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