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Include a BOLSIG process without affecting the EEDF

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James Long

Mar 24, 2023, 8:23:40 AM3/24/23
to ZDPlasKin

I was wondering, is there a way to use only specific cross-section in the bolsig data file to calculate the EEDF, and exclude certain cross sections from being used to calculate the EEDF, and only use them to calculate rate constants?

The way I was going to do this was to write the EEDF and integrate the rate constants in my master code, which would actually be a bit of pain. 

For example, say I have an effective cross-section for O2, and I only want to use that cross section in the calculation of the EEDF, but I also have an O2 electron impact dissociation cross section, from which I want to obtain only a rate constant

Kindest regards,

James Long.

James Long

Mar 24, 2023, 9:28:30 AM3/24/23
to ZDPlasKin
In case somehow anyone does read this,

my way to do this was to include a new species, which has 0 and constant density, in the section species and BOLSIG in the kinet.inp file. Then rename the process link for the cross section I do not want to affect the EEDF to make the
reactant in that process link the new species. Then link to to that process when i define the reaction in the

for example:

in kinet.inp:
SPECIES ... O2 O2(M) ... END BOLSIG ... O2 O2(M) ... END REACTIONS ... E + O2 => BOLSIG+ O2(M) -> O + O ... END

in my mastercode.f90:

In bolsig.dat:
EFFECTIVE O2 ... ------------------------------------------- CS data ------------------------------------------- EXCITATION O2(M) -> O + O ... -------------------------------------------- CS data --------------------------------------------

James Long

Mar 25, 2023, 4:28:16 PM3/25/23
to ZDPlasKin
In case somehow anyone does read this,

my way to do this was to include a new species, which has 0 and constant density, in the section species and BOLSIG in the kinet.inp file. Then rename the process link for the cross section I do not want to affect the EEDF to make the
reactant in that process link the new species. Then link to to that process when i define the reaction in the

for example:

in kinet.inp:
SPECIES ... O2 O2(M) ... END BOLSIG ... O2 O2(M) ... END REACTIONS ... E + O2 => BOLSIG+ O2(M) -> O + O ... END

in my mastercode.f90:

In bolsig.dat:
EFFECTIVE O2 ... ------------------------------------------- CS data ------------------------------------------- EXCITATION O2(M) -> O + O ... -------------------------------------------- CS data --------------------------------------------

On Friday, March 24, 2023 at 12:23:40 PM UTC James Long wrote:
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