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Example one and Qtplaskin

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Ahmed Al-kinani

Jun 14, 2021, 12:21:13 AM6/14/21
to ZDPlasKin
Dear Sir(s),
thank you for this chance, 
please i did the example (1) as instructed and ive got the result in (commends prompt) but i could not visualize it using the (QTplaskin) because there was not any (*.txt) file produced.
could you please advice me what should i do?

when i want to open the file from the (Qtplaskin) the the note says: 
(Failed to open directory ([Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'C:/ex1\\qt_species_list.txt'). I will try now to import files in deprecated format.)

this means that (qt_species_list.txt) is not produced.

any advice, with kind regards 

Ahmed Al-kinani
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