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Is there a way to integrate cross sections using bolsig, without the reaction being included in the solution of the EEDF?

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James Long

Jun 11, 2021, 12:52:07 AM6/11/21
to ZDPlasKin

I'm trying to run a CO2 model, I need to include a lot of vibrationally excited states. However There is a limit to the number of BOLSIG species I can declare, according to the manual.
Is there a way I can use bolsig to solve for the EEDF only using certain collision species, and use bolsig to integrate the cross sections for others without including them in the solution of the EEDF?

If I have a reactions with :

! BOLSIG+ A -> B

If species A is not included in the section BOLSIG, then I will get a process link error. However I do not want that particular species A to be included in the solution of the EEDF, I just want the rate constant for A -> B, and I have the cross section data for that reaction. 

Has anyone done this before?


Jun 11, 2021, 9:53:46 AM6/11/21
to ZDPlasKin
Hi James,

I don't know how many Bolsig species you would like to declare but I think that the manual is not up-to-date.
According to S. Pancheshnyi's post in November 2016, the version 2.0 of ZDPlasKin allows you to consider much more species in the Bolsig section. 
"- Maximum number of species and individual electron cross sections loading to BOLSIG+ are increased to 200 and 4000, respectively."


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