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PhD Positions - Plasma and Combustion Research Laboratory (PCRL)

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Omid Askari

Nov 18, 2020, 12:21:33 AM11/18/20
to ZDPlasKin

Two Ph.D. positions with full scholarships are available in Plasma and Combustion Research Laboratory (PCRL) starting from Spring and Fall 2021 in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Mississippi State University ( The successful candidate will have access to world-class research facilities and work in a vibrant and dynamic research group with the focus on cutting-edge research on low-temperature plasma and chemical kinetics with application in combustion, propulsion and chemical synthesis. For more information please visit PCRL website at

PCRL welcomes highly motivated and hard-working applicants interested in working on multidisciplinary projects in the areas of combustion, chemical kinetics and plasma physics. Applicants must have a Master of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Physics or any relevant fields, with outstanding academic records.

For the first position, the ideal candidate has experience in experimental combustion at high-pressure as well as optical/laser diagnostics techniques for flow and species measurements.

For the second position, the ideal candidate is someone with expertise in high-performance computational modeling for low-temperature plasma with application in chemical synthesis, surface treatment or ignition/combustion.

Interested applicants are encouraged to complete the application form by clicking here: If you have any questions about these positions, please contact Dr. Omid Askari at

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