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Error: library not found for -lSystem

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James Hall

Jun 8, 2021, 12:26:49 AM6/8/21
to ZDPlasKin
Hello all,

I have just installed ZDPlasKin and am trying to get it all set up and running. Whenever I try to run the test file, test_2reac.F90, I get an error saying "library not found for -lSystem." I'm not quite sure why this is happening, I've followed the directions in the user's guide and I am quite sure my path to the proper libraries is the correct one. I've attached a snippet of the code I'm running in Unix (on Mac). If anyone has any advice of what may be going wrong, that would be helpful.

Bryant Hall
Screen Shot 2021-06-07 at 4.11.21 PM.png
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