Context Checking Strategies

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Avani Shah

Oct 22, 2024, 11:18:03 AMOct 22
to ZAP User Group

We are looking into using the context checking strategy of poll_url, and want to add additional polling_data. What should be the format of the polling_data? The polling headers I believe should be "Header Key: Header Value"\n"Header Key: Header Value" but would that be correct or is there a different format expected? Some examples for these two fields would be great.

Thank you,
Avani Shah 

Simon Bennetts

Oct 24, 2024, 11:48:14 AMOct 24
to ZAP User Group
Hi Avani,

If you are using the ZAP desktop, then look at the top right of the Session Properties / Authentication screen.
Theres a little (?) icon.
Click that and it will take you to the relevant help for whichever screen you are on.

That does have more info for those fields.
If you have any more questions about it then feel free to ask them here.



Avani Shah

Oct 31, 2024, 11:09:33 AMOct 31
to ZAP User Group
There isn't much information about what the expected format is for the pollData field. Is it expected to be an encoded JSON data as a string?

"{\"polling_id\": \"12345\", \"timestamp\": \"2023-10-10T12:34:56Z\", \"polling_type\": \"temperature\", \"polling_value\": \"22.5\", \"unit\": \"Celsius\"}" I am not able to see what is sent in ZAP in the ZAP log, is there somewhere I should look for this information?

Simon Bennetts

Oct 31, 2024, 11:20:03 AMOct 31
to ZAP User Group
Thats because we do not know what the expected format is :D
You are specifying the URL to poll in the target app.
If you dont know what data to send then you need to find that out :)

You will typically launch a browser from ZAP, manually authenticate and then look at the requests in order to find a suitable one to use for verification.
If it is a POST request then you cab just copy the data from that.
Alternatively you can ask ZAP to auto detect it.


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