Jenkins/ZAP Authentication through SSO/OAM

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Nov 2, 2017, 3:51:16 PM11/2/17
to OWASP ZAP User Group
I'm trying to setup ZAP automated scanning within the Jenkins build process.  I'm using form-based authentication and have entered the username, password, and extra post data parameters.  I can login via ZAP (the GUI) just fine, but when I try to do it during the build process, it fails.  At this point, I'm just trying to Spider the application as an authenticated user.

ZAP v2.6.0
Jenkins 2.78
Java 1.8.144

Session Properties:
Include in Context:

Exclude from Context:

Authentication (Form Based):
Username: myuser
Password: mypass
Logged out Indicator .*\QCookie: ObSSOCookie=(loggedout|loggedoutcontinue)\E.*

Username Parameter: username
Password Parameter: password
Extra POST Data: submit=Login

Attack Mode (Just trying to Spider for now):
Spider Scan (checked)
Recurse (checked)

Thanks in advance


Nov 3, 2017, 4:26:30 AM11/3/17
to OWASP ZAP User Group

Every time I have issues with the authentication process, my first look is at the logged in/out indicators. Your logged out indicator seems malformed. the \Q...\E are the symbols for Quoted Literals : everything between those symbols is taken literally, so the parenthesis and the pipe "|" are taken literally -- not as the "GROUP" and the "OR" symbol as you expected.

As there is no special character to escape, you can delete the \Q...\E symbols, as well as the .* which are unnecessary (@developers : correct me if I'm wrong)

For your case, I'd try
either Cookie: ObSSOCookie=(loggedout|loggedoutcontinue) , or \QCookie: ObSSOCookie=\E(\Qloggedout\E|\Qloggedoutcontinue\E) if you really want to use the \Q...\E symbols.

Hope this helps,



Nov 3, 2017, 8:35:01 AM11/3/17
to OWASP ZAP User Group
@flocker, thanks for the response.
I removed the Cookie: and tried just ObSSOCookie=(loggedout|loggedoutcontinue) due to the fact that sometimes the response is Set-Cookie and sometimes the cookie is already in the header but set to one of those values.  Either way, I also removed the \Q...\E per your recommendation, but I'm getting the same responses.  It's not authenticating and not Spidering.

Any other ideas?  I've been banging my head on this one for a while.

Nov 3, 2017, 9:27:48 AM11/3/17
Do the same authentication settings work correctly when using just ZAP?

Best regards.

On 03/11/17 12:35, TejB wrote:
> *@flocker*, thanks for the response.
> I removed the Cookie: and tried just
> *ObSSOCookie=(loggedout|loggedoutcontinue)* due to the fact that sometimes


Nov 3, 2017, 9:56:50 AM11/3/17
to OWASP ZAP User Group
Yes, I've confirmed it works via the ZAP UI.


Nov 3, 2017, 3:54:04 PM11/3/17
to OWASP ZAP User Group
More information...

It initially tries to do a login with the username/password parameters I set, but does not successfully authenticate.  After this it tries to go to the starting point of the application to be Spidered and eventually gets redirected back to the Login Form Target URL again (https://auth.mydom.tld/oam/server/auth_cred_submit).  However after the multiple redirects, the username and password parameters are not passed like they are on the initial POST to the authentication page.  Here is a snippet of the DEBUG log file after the "second" POST.

5585 [ZAP-SpiderThreadPool-0-thread-2] DEBUG httpclient.wire.header  - >> "POST /oam/server/auth_cred_submit HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
5585 [ZAP-SpiderThreadPool-0-thread-2] DEBUG org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase  - Adding Host request header
5585 [ZAP-SpiderThreadPool-0-thread-2] DEBUG httpclient.wire.header  - >> "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:39.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/39.0[\r][\n]"
5585 [ZAP-SpiderThreadPool-0-thread-2] DEBUG httpclient.wire.header  - >> "Pragma: no-cache[\r][\n]"
5585 [ZAP-SpiderThreadPool-0-thread-2] DEBUG httpclient.wire.header  - >> "Cache-Control: no-cache[\r][\n]"
5585 [ZAP-SpiderThreadPool-0-thread-2] DEBUG httpclient.wire.header  - >> "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded[\r][\n]"
5585 [ZAP-SpiderThreadPool-0-thread-2] DEBUG httpclient.wire.header  - >> "Content-Length: 68[\r][\n]"
5586 [ZAP-SpiderThreadPool-0-thread-2] DEBUG httpclient.wire.header  - >> "Referer: https://auth.mydom.tld/oam/server/auth_cred_submit[\r][\n]"
5586 [ZAP-SpiderThreadPool-0-thread-2] DEBUG httpclient.wire.header  - >> "Host: auth.mydom.tld[\r][\n]"
5586 [ZAP-SpiderThreadPool-0-thread-2] DEBUG httpclient.wire.header  - >> "Cookie: 


5586 [ZAP-SpiderThreadPool-0-thread-2] DEBUG httpclient.wire.header  - >> "[\r][\n]"
5587 [ZAP-SpiderThreadPool-0-thread-2] DEBUG httpclient.wire.content  - >> "username=ZAP&password=ZAP&request_id=215320061545358580&submit=Login"
5587 [ZAP-SpiderThreadPool-0-thread-2] DEBUG org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.EntityEnclosingMethod  - Request body sent

Additionally, I highlighted the fact that the username is set to ZAP and the password is set to ZAP (this was unchanged from the log file) though they are not the actual username/password I set in the Jenkins parameter fields.  I'm not sure why during the second redirect they are replace with just ZAP/ZAP.

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