Hacking with the ZAP HUD

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Dec 4, 2018, 8:55:03 AM12/4/18
to zaproxy...@googlegroups.com, zaprox...@googlegroups.com, zaproxy-e...@googlegroups.com
Hey folks,

I'm delighted to announce that we've published the ZAP Heads Up Display (HUD)
The repo is: https://github.com/zaproxy/zap-hud
And see this blog post for more details: https://segment.com/blog/hacking-with-a-heads-up-display/

This is a big thing for us, so upvotes on the following sites would be much appreciated :)
And of course I'd love to hear your feedback.

Many thanks,


OWASP ZAP Project leader


Dec 10, 2018, 10:12:00 AM12/10/18
to OWASP ZAP Developer Group, zaprox...@googlegroups.com, OWASP ZAP Evangelists Group
We've updated the HUD with some changes which include a security fix, so please update asap.
The latest ZAP weekly includes the fix and should also now run on Macs with Java 9+

As per the HUD README page:

This is definitely still Alpha quality and there are some known issues and limitations with the current release. Development on the HUD is very active and we recommend you check in often for new features and improvements. :)

You should NOT use it on sites you do not trust! However it is in scope for the ZAP bug bounty on BugCrowd

Happy hacking!

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