Hi Zack
Sure.What I would like to produce is a small series of 7 videos, max 5/10 minutes , explaining how to use ZAP for Devs
What is ZAP?==>This is a short intro video (1 min)
Then we go and produce(please provide feed back):
- How to setup ZAP with your browser of choice (+3 min)
- Passive Scan with ZAP: explain what is passive scans and how to do it
- Break Points(newsletter December)
- Active Scan
- Automated testing
- Login issues to JIRA automatically
A complete video series that can teach someone the basics on how to use ZAP. The first serie is for beginners and we then can move to more complex features.
The explanation provided in the newsletters is a great source for the 'scripts' and content of the video
A proxy is most of the time not part of a developer approach but introducing ZAP too them we could.
My idea is to target these videos to developers where they can use ZAP in a practical and easy way to test low hanging fruits vulnerabilities in their applications while they develop.
Another series could be for pen testers and explain then mostly advanced and cool features.
Ideas for this series?