unread,Mar 4, 2013, 7:30:44 PM3/4/13Sign in to reply to author
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I just published ZappaJS 0.4.18. (It took me a few tries to get npm to
publish a valid package, hence the larger-than-expected version bump.)
New features:
Content Negotiation (#63) with the addition of `format`
"X-Powered-By: Zappa" header (#68)
Dependencies updates:
Express 3.1.0 (was 3.0.0)
Sammy.js bumped to 0.7.4
Documentation updates.
Nothing really exciting in this version I have to admit; there are a
couple open issues which have challenging bits in them (#65 and #69 come
to mind), if you have the inclination or time to look into them we'd
appreciate the help!
And while I have your attention: we're still including jQuery 1.8.3, any
feedback about including jQuery 1.9.1 instead?
Thank you!