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wind f

Feb 19, 2021, 3:35:39 AM2/19/21
to Zakas Books
hi Nicholas C. Zakas:
I am very glad to write to you. I am reading your book《Understanding ES6》recently. I think this is  a very nice book. But I have a problem about the 12 chapter when create a array object by proxy.
I think it may be like this code:
Reflect.set(trapTargat, 'length', Number(key) + 1)
But not this you writed:
Reflect.set(trapTargat, 'length', currentLength + 1)
This is an example to explain the problem:
Normal array:

When run your code:
When run my new code:
I do not know is there any mistake in your code ?

Best wishes and hope your reply!

wind f

Feb 19, 2021, 7:31:19 PM2/19/21
to Zakas Books
When I went home yesterday night and read this chapter again. I find that it is my fault to remember mistake content. You are right. I am so sorry about that. Please close or delete this issue.

Nicholas Zakas

Feb 22, 2021, 1:46:11 PM2/22/21
to zakas...@googlegroups.com
No problem. Thanks for the followup. 

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Nicholas C. Zakas (@slicknet)
Owner, Human Who Codes LLC
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