Understanding JavaScript Promises

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Katarzyna Syguła

Feb 17, 2022, 9:08:56 AM2/17/22
to Zakas Books

Hi Nicholas,

congratulations on publishing your new book: Understanding JavaScript Promises

I am writing on behalf of Marcin Moskała, who is also publishing on LeanPub.
Marcin Moskała (leanpub.com) 
He set a process so that some chapters from his books are also published on our website:


Testing Kotlin Coroutines (kt.academy) 

If you are interested, we could publish a few example chapters from your book, and promote them well as articles. There will be no banners (unless you want your banners, we can make one or two for you, like "The book can be found on LeanPub" or "Follow Nicholas on Twitter"), and we will promote these articles properly.
For you, it is a promotion for zero effort, for us it is SEO.
How does it sound?


Katarzyna Syguła
Marketing Communications Manager

Kt. Academy

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