[understandinges6] found errors

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Aug 18, 2017, 10:52:34 AM8/18/17
to Zakas Books
I would like to report errors In Chapter 6 “Symbols and Symbols properties” (Ido not have page#, because I bought it as e-book)”.

In example on Symbol.replace overriding:

hasLengthOf10 = {
[Symbol.replace]: function( value, replacement) { return value.length = = = 10 ? replacement + value.substring( 10) : value; },


value.substring(10) expression in this context always evaluates to “undefined” and should not be there.

Also following 
 console.log( replace2); // "Hello John"

is incorrect and should be

 console.log( replace2); // “undefined”

Nicholas Zakas

Aug 18, 2017, 12:13:24 PM8/18/17
to Zakas Books
Thanks, this was previously reported and fixed:
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