New Contest - "This is SpaceChem!"

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Zach Barth

Mar 31, 2011, 12:45:36 AM3/31/11
“What is SpaceChem?”

This is a question that we get asked a lot and, quite frankly, have a hard time answering. So, we’re turning to you for help, in the form of a contest!

To enter, you must record a video where you answer the question “What is SpaceChem?” … in five seconds or less. Be clever! Be creative! Be funny! Then upload the video to YouTube and post a link to it in the comments. The best responses will be composited together into a kick-ass promotional video and distributed far and wide across the internet, which means that by submitting an entry you grant us permission to use it for this purpose.

Entries should consist of a short introduction, your less-than-five-seconds-long response, and the phrase “THIS IS SPACECHEM!” at some point in the video.

If your entry is selected for use in the final video, you will receive a free copy of SpaceChem in addition to internet fame.

- Zach
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