RE: ZOPCHECK.CPY - used the data to create an instruction set search tool

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Nov 26, 2021, 3:25:43 PM11/26/21
to Emanuel Munteanu,, z390development

Emanual. all


Glad to hear you found z390 and the zopcheck copybook useful. 


Zopcheck includes all the opcodes in the latest POP which are assembled by the z390 assembler.  And there is now a regression test which verifies that all the instructions are correctly assembled into object code.


Posting on Github is fine.  The z390 development team is getting ready to publish the first distribution of z390 on github.  Previous z390 distributions are available on  The current z390 development on github is here:



From: Emanuel Munteanu <>
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2021 2:30 PM
Subject: ZOPCHECK.CPY - used the data to create an instruction set search tool


Hi Don,


Just wanted to thank you for making Z390 available, I am learning HLASM and Z390 is a fantastic tool. I am using Z390 together with Hercules-TK4 and the IBM training LPAR via zExplore, to investigate the instruction set.


Also wanted to tell you that I leveraged ZOPCHECK.CPY to build a dynamic Excel tool that allows for quick sorting and searching of mnemonics or opcodes.


I posted it in github, hope that is OK with you - also please let me know if there are any questions or comments.


The link below.





HLASM-Instruction-Set-XRef/HLASM_OpCodes_CrossReference.xlsm at main · M...

IBM Assembler Instruction Set XRef - based on z390 ZOPCHECK.CPY (courtesy Don Higgins), this is an Excel xref th...



Best Regards,

-Manny Munteanu



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