Can't even get started

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George Deluca

Sep 16, 2021, 4:50:18 PM9/16/21
to z390
OK,  I'm lost.

I've installed JAVA, run the BldJar.bat and all the various Demos and verfication BAT files. So I assume the install is fine.

Now I just want to try an assembly of an old ASM file I have.

So I rename a copy to use the .MLC file type, but using the GUI, I ask for an assemble of this file,  and I get an ASM not recognized as an internal or external command.

This shouldn't be brain surgery, what obvious setup am I missing?


John Ganci

Sep 16, 2021, 10:32:40 PM9/16/21
to George Deluca, z390
If you were able to run the demos, z390 should be installed correctly. Doing an assembly from the GUI should work.

A few questions for you.

1. Since you mention bat files, I assume you are running Windows. Correct?

2. Where did you obtain z390? Are you using the file from

3. Where did you install z390? What is the full directory path?

4. Have you tried to assemble your program from a terminal window?

4.1. Change directory to the z390 bat subdirectory.
4.2. Open a command prompt window.
4.3. Enter
      asm \full-path-name-to-subdirectory-containing-your-program\your-program-name

5. How are you starting the GUI? I assume you are using Z390.BAT in the bat subdirectory of z390. Correct?

6. How are you trying to assemble your program in the GUI? Here are the steps I follow.

6.1. Start the GUI.
6.2. In the "Command: text box type something like
      asm \full-path-name-to-subdirectory-containing-your-program\your-program-name

I run Linux, not Windows. I have a z390/tests subdirectory of my home directory that contains many test files, one of them being IEFBR14.MLC. After starting the GUI for the version of z390 I entered

    asm /home/xxxxxxxx/z390/tests/IEFBR14

in the "Command:" text box and pressed Enter. Here's what I saw in the text area above the text box.

Z390I V1.7.06
Copyright 2011 Automated Software Tools Corporation
z390 is licensed under GNU General Public License
Log file = /home/john/lib/z390/z390_2021_0916_213127.LOG
Enter command or help
*** 09/16/21 21:31:44 CMD task started
21:31:45 IEFBR14   MZ390 START USING z390 V1.7.06 ON J2SE 1.8.0_201 09/16/21
21:31:45 IEFBR14   MZ390 ENDED   RC= 0 SEC= 0 MEM(MB)= 42 IO=245
*** 09/16/21 21:31:45 CMD task ended TOT SEC=2 TOT LOG IO=4

See if this helps. Let us know if you have any additional questions.


John Ganci

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George Deluca

Sep 17, 2021, 1:24:27 PM9/17/21
to z390
Thanks to all wh have replied (here or via email).  I modified a BAT file sent by Melvyn and can now get ASM to work. Still having problems with the GUI though.  I originally had everythig installed in a PATH with embedded blanks, but started over with a more "normal" path. Rebuilt with bldjar.bat just in case, and all the test BAT files run fine.


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