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Fw: Memphis Wrestling 6/5/04 Jerry Lawler gets mean

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Gregory White

Jun 7, 2004, 5:40:16 PM6/7/04

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 03:48 PM
Subject: Memphis Wrestling 6/5/04 Jerry Lawler gets mean

Memphis Wrestling
Home of Rhythm & Bruise
written by Gregory White

UPN studios Memphis TN
Hosts:Cory Maclin and Brian Teigland

Before the show starts, I would like to send my condolences and honor the
memory of Kurt Von Brauner who died Friday.

The crowd is very lively today.

They announce who will be on the show today.
The Sexy Assassin will team with Brian Christopher and going against the
Koko Ware
They will show Kamala signing Rocking Chair.

They show highlights from last week. Lawler and Shock are out in the ring,
Hart tries to put Shock on Lawler and then Hart puts Lawler on Shock. Hart
grabs the certificate and lies on the floor with the frame on his head as
Lawler gets the win to win the XWF belt to go with the AWA, WCCW and
World's Unified belts.

Lawler comes out with his belts to a loud pop and is wearing shades and a
WWE shirt. Cory has something about Lawler having more gold than Mr. T.
Lawler, Did you say Master P or Mr. T? Mr. T is so fifteen minutes ago. I
don't think it right to refer to me as a triple champion. Lawler mentions
quickly the titles that he won and then mentions that he won the XWF belt
last week which brings lots of applause. And you know I told Jimmy to try
it my way at least one time. I have not seen Jimmy Hart for the past three
days. What is the Problem? Do you think it is because he double-crossed
Shock in that match? Jimmy Hart is on the Phone. Jimmy Hart , says Good
Morning. Jerry, Good morning Jimmy Hart where are you? Jimmy Hart, I
cannot hear you so I will have to talk on my end here. Jerry Lawler, Where
are you is what we wanna know. Hart, How are you feeling , King? Anybody
see Shock today? Lawler, Is that all you are worried about? Are you scared
of Shock? Shock is not here today. Jimmy Hart, I cannot hear anything you
say so I will ramble on. I hope that you are sitting down because I am at
Universal Studios at Orlando Florida. Jimmy Hart mentions all the names of
the various theme bars in Orlando. I am signing a contract to open the
very first Jerry "The King" Lawler them restaurant down here. We are gonna
have one thousand of your t shirts of course next to my t shirts. We are
gonna have the book that you released last year next to mine which will be
released in August. we are gonna be together in everything we do. We are
gonna fly Cory down with all expenses paid on fly at your own Risk
Airlines. We are gonna get you a middle seat so that you don't eat all the
peanuts up, Cory. WE will bring you to Universal and we want you to bring
a film crew because we want you to see the opening of the very first, Jerry
"The King" Lawler restaurant. It is great to have Jerry Lawler in the
First Family along with Koko B Ware. Cory, turn it off. I am not gonna
fly on Fly at your own risk Airline stuff. Jerry Lawler. laughs and then
says The last time that I flew on an airline trip that was booked by Jimmy
Hart, The airline was so cheap that during the movie,the Pilot was walking
around selling popcorn. You don't want to go on that airline. Jimmy Hart
stayed on the tit O Whirl too long. The reason that Jimmy Hart did not show
up today was he was afraid of what Shock will do to him. I don't know
where Shock is. Hart so far the experiment or whatever you call it has
worked. The contract is still not signed. The fans cheer. I can say this
if he can get a theme restaurant in Orlando than that can get a long ways
towards getting a contract signed. Cory says that you will be down there
but flying Northwest and will be there with the film crew.

Brian Christopher comes out dancing with the Sexy Assassin. to cheers.
Cory mentions that they are discoing on Memphis wrestling today. Brian, OH
MY GOSH!!!!!!! Sexy Assassin while we were on way to the desk did you hear
this Baffoon use the word disco? The Sexy Assassin shakes his head.
Disco???!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would call it anything but Disco!!!!!!! This is
2004, Cory Maclin!!!!! The fans do a Jerry's kids chant. That is called
getting down!!!!!! Bustin' a move with my man the Sexy Assassin#7!!!!!!!!
Since I brought the Sexy Assassins in here. They have not gotten the
respect that they deserve from you, and from the morons over here that
better shut up when I am talking!!!!!! Brian points to the Sexy Assassin,
This is a bonafide superstar ready to explode and we are gonna explode
right here right now on a couple of jobronis, The Lifeguards. How many
Lifeguards are there? Cory, How many Sexy Assassins are there is what I
wanna know? Cory, Don't worry. My Sexy Assassins are fired up and ready
to go. Bring out these Lifeguards because I cannot wait to rip them out
from limb to limb as only the Sexy Assassin and Brian Christopher can.

The Lifeguards come out to a huge pop. This time Scott Starr and Tony

The first match of the day is the Lifeguards vs. Brian Christopher and the
Sexy Assassin #7. The fans do a Brian Sucks chant. The fans do a cry baby
chant on Brian Christopher. The Sexy Assassin holds Scott Starr and Brian
Christopher accidentally monkeyflips the Sexy Assassin twice as Scott Star
moves out of the way. The third time Brian tries a Superkick while the
Sexy Assassin holds Scott Starr. Brian accidentally kicks the Sexy
Assassin. While Brian Christopher realizes what he done. Scott Starr pins
the Sexy Assassin and Tony Gun tackles Brian Christopher.
Winners:The Lifeguards win.
Brian Christopher is crying like a baby while the lifeguards celebrate
while there music play.

Brian Christopher is crying and having a fit like a baby and is with the
Sexy Assassin and both are with Cory. Brian is breathing heavily and the
Sexy Assassin is holding his sore jaw. You know what. Get your hands off
the microphone. I don't need you, Cory. What I have to say is between me
and you. First of all, wipe my brow and Brian hands The Sexy Assassin a
handkerchief and gets his brow cleaned by the Sexy Assassin. Brian
Christopher is breathing really heavy. Listen to me!!!!!! Listen to your
boss!!!!!!!! What in the name of St. Pete do you call what you just
did?????!!!!!!!!!!! Brian looks mad. The Sexy Assassin just looks at
Brian. Don't just stand there on the camera and look stupid!!!!!! Just
Answer the question!!!!!!!! Brian makes the scratching the head gesture.
Are you gonna scratch your head!!!!!! Answer me!!!!!!!!!!! The Sexy
Assassin tries to make a noise and Brian says Sheeesh!!!!!! I will tell
you what that was. That there was the biggest embarrassment that I ever
had in my eighteen years as a bona fide superstar that should of been a
World Champion. Brian then hits the Sexy Assassin on the head and tells
him to look. Now it looks like I will have to. Brian then looks at the
fans. Are you trying to tell him to hit me? I know because you are not
that stupid. Nobody is that stupid but I am gonna teach you a lesson. me
and you. Brian then makes fun of the Sexy Assassins body movements during
the interview. Me and you will have a match in the ring next week. I will
show you what it takes to be a real pro Wrestler because of what I saw was
nothing of the sort. You should be shocked sterile. Brian slaps the
Assassin. next week. Now get out of here. and Cory if you don't do your
job right then you will be next and you morons I will line you up one by
one and slap the tastes out of your mouths. I am the Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and
if nobody believes then drive up to Trenton TN tonight and I will show that
sorry city who the man is also. The fans do a you suck chant!!!!!!!!!!

They announce the Trenton TN card which was Saturday Night.
Coming soon
Walnut MS and Union City TN

Memphis TN
Saturday, July 10 at 8 p.m.
Mid-South Coliseum
Contact Coliseum Box Office.
Tickets on Sale June 14.

Derrick King comes out to a pop. I understand that Jimmy Hart is not here.
There is some controversy in a match between Lawler and myself two weeks
ago with Lawler using a chain. The controversy is who did Lawler get the
chain from. Jimmy Hart had the chain first. I wanna call out Jerry Lawler
and ask him something. Lawler comes out. Derrick King since Jimmy Hart is
not here I want to challenge you to a match. There will be nobody with a
chain. Jerry, you are implying that I had to use a chain handed to me by
Jimmy Hart to beat you and with no Jimmy Hart today that you would have a
chance to beat me? Is that right Derrick King? Derrick, I am not
implying that. I am saying that. Jerry Lawler, actually am glad you
asked that rather than talk to that joke. Today I am making a personal
visit to Water Valley MS. you know my brother has a grocery eatery. They
are having a grand reopening. I will be there signing autographs and
shaking ands at 3 p.m.. He is giving away free stuff. You know when my
brother gives away something free you gotta be there because he does not
give away something free often. Derrick interrupts, I am no joke. since
you don't know if you or a good guy or bad guy why don't you prove it.
Lawler you don't have your tights. you can change them. I will go and
prove that I don't need Jimmy Hart and change my tights. Derrick, If you
think that I am such a joke then put the XWF title on the line. Lawler, I
am gonna say what I think Derrick Kiiiiiiiiing. you know maybe Jimmy Hart
is right especially about people like you. Let me tell you something,
punk!!!!!!!!! You cannot lace my boots much less beat me for a title. You
don't know if I am a good guy or a bad guy. I am gonna take all the
confusion out of the picture!!!!!! I will show you what it was like to
wrestle Lawler when he as the baddest of the Bad!!!!!!!! Get ready,

The second match of the day is Alan Steel vs. Johnny Dotson.Alan Steel uses
the tights to make the pin.
Winner:Alan Steel.

Johnny Dotson is at the announcers desk. I want five more minutes to prove
that I can beat him.. I will be at Trenton to wrestle him.

Koko Ware comes out. I feel so bad that the greatest manager of all
wrestling is not here today. to Derrick King, you must be crazy and a
lunatic to be in the ring with Jerry Lawler. Jerry is part of the First
Family. Tell me about this Brandon Groom, Cory, Who is he? Cory , Brandon
Groom is out of Oklahoma, has a deal with the WWE and has a valet named
Summer . Koko. He used to wrestle for Leo Mcguirk out of Oklahoma? That
is awful. I am a legend. Bring him on because I will give him the
wrestling lesson of his life. You know what? He has a nice looking lady
with him as well. I think that she has some powerful legs too. She may
wanna join the Koko B ware Organization baby.

Brandon Groom enters the area to the Fabulous ones music to a pop.

The Third match of the day is Koko Ware vs. Brandon Groom with Summer.
Koko keep making passes at Summer. Koko uses a chain.
Winner:Koko Ware.
The referee drags Koko back in the ring and searches Koko again. Brandon
Groom clears ring of Koko.

They show the Kamala Rocking Chair video. It ends with Kamala on tour with
William Hung.

The fourth match of the day is a XWF Title match. Jerry Lawler(Champion)
vs. Derrick King. Jerry Lawler beats Derrick King with his fists like a
red headed stepchild or like a drum or any cliché that you can think of.
Lawler tries for a pin and lets up at the two count. Lawler pulls out a
chain and chokes out Brian Christopher. Lawler is beating on Derrick and
Cory gets in the ring and tries to stop Lawler.Authors note.That was a
stupid thing to do to get in a angry Lawler's way.

Read my Memphis wrestling reports at and in the Memphis wrestling section. and watch it on
UPN 30 Memphis at 11 am every Saturday and on UPN Mississippi at 9 PM
every Saturday and on the Internet anytime. Check out my new Memphis email
list located at and you can subscribe
to it by sending a blank email to

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