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Memphis Wrestling 5/22/04 The debut of the new King

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Gregory White

May 22, 2004, 6:48:39 PM5/22/04

----- Original Message -----
From: Gregory White
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 03:40 PM
Subject: Memphis wrestling:5/22/04 The debut of the new King!!!!!!

Memphis Wrestling
Home of Rhythm & Bruise
written by Gregory White
UPN studios Memphis TN
Hosts:Cory Maclin and Brian Teigland

They say who will be in the ring.
Jerry "The King" Lawler
Koko B Ware and Tracy Smother tagging together.
Southern Title match with King Mable vs. Shock.

Brian thanks the fans for all the emails,telephone calls and such. We just
got something special for Corey appreciation certificate from the fans. It
reads "The fans of Memphis Wrestling would like to thank Corey Maclin for
bringing wrestling back the way it should be, Clean,family,entertainment
and without the foul language,gratuitous nudity.authors note:The fans start
a Cory chant. For making it decent and true. Thank you for an exciting
year from the Memphis wrestling fans. It is the most Memphis thing about
Memphis. They point out that it was signed by WW Harrington. Cory then
thanks everyone.

The Southern Champion, Mable comes out. I am back in Memphis wrestling and
excited. What's up!!! This is the greatest fans in the universe. I am
really happy to be back and have been keeping up with what is going on. I
am upset with Jerry "The King" Lawler. I cannot believe that he would be
part of the first family. I will be up against Shock the man who took my
XWF Heavyweight Title. He did not beat me he stole it. This is the
Southern Heavyweight title belt. You have to earn that in the Memphis
Wrestling ring and today it is on and you are going down.

The first match of the day is Koko Ware and Tracy Smothers with Jimmy Hart
vs. The Lifeguards. They mention that Bill Dundee is having surgery due to
injury from getting beat up by Ware and Smothers. Scott Starr has the
match won but referee Jerry Calhoun is busy putting Dustin Starr in his
corner and Koko uses a chain on Scott Starr. Smothers roll up Scott and
pulls his tights and uses the ropes for leverage.
Winners:Tracy Smothers and Koko Ware.

Jimmy Hart, Koko and Smothers head for the announcers desk.Jimmy Hart,
You see it or way and we see it our way. They came out winners and that is
all that counts. Koko came back from Hollywood doing a movie baby. Look
at Koko's hairstyle. He is in the picture with Gary Coleman. Gary Coleman
got his hair done this way. They then show a picture of Koko,Isaac Hayes
and Gray Coleman wearing the same hairstyle. What doe you think,Koko?
Koko is silent for a bit. Koko, that sounds good Jimmy.
Koko, Hollywood is in and the match is set. What do you have to say Koko?
Koko, I have been hearing all this noise about Jerry Lawler joining the
First Family. You know , Jimmy,I think that it is a bad idea. We don't
need Jerry Lawler. We ran wild without Jerry Lawler. why do we have to
have him on our side? Tracy looks like he is agreeing. You don't remember
how many times he busted your jaw. He sent you to the hospital. How can
you trust somebody like Jerry Lawler. Jimmy Hart, because I believe in
him and he is the King of Professional Wrestling. Tracy Smothers, we don't
need it man. Hey,hey hey!!!! In the WWE, you have Randy Orton, the young
man who calls himself the legend killer. Here are some real legend killers
here and it is called the First Family. It is Koko The dirty B Ware and
Sellout Psycho Smasher Smoky Smothers. You will not see Bill Dundee again.
He is gone. He is back at his bar. Jimmy Hart, The reason is that the
King is here is because we need him. The family can be bigger and
stronger. Let me ask you , Koko. Have I not managed your career forever?
Why are you a millionaire now? Jimmy Hart tries to ask another question.
Koko, ask one question please. You always said don't trust a snake and you
know that Jerry Lawler does not belong in the first family. Cory, you need
to sort out your differences in the back. it does not belong out here.
Jimmy I am sorry that you feel that way but it will work out guys. You
know why I was late getting to the building this morning. I was in the
recording studios with Kamala. Here is the next American idol , Kamala.

They show a recorded video from Ardent studios at 2000 Madison. They show
Kamala carrying his spear and tribal clothes in the lobby with Jimmy Hart.
Some of the biggest names in music have cut records here. They show Jimmy
Hart and some producer at the soundboard and Kamala voice attempting to
sing. authors note: Kamala sounds like a sick basset hound getting its
tooth pulled. You know the words.Lets get it right this time. Kamala
agrees. Hear the music you sing. When I point you sing. Jimmy returns to
the sound board with the producer sitting. He is ready now, Baby. The
music plays and Kamala makes some noise from his throat. Jimmy Hart,
What's Wrong? Do you have a sore throat? Sing from your diaphragm. Jimmy
then pats Kamala's belly. one more time. We are ready. Jimmy Hart is back
at the soundboard with the producer. We have it this time. Kamala sounds
like a Basset hound delivering puppies this time. Are you ready this time?
Do you need any water? Do you need any throat loranges. Kamala says O.K..
Kamala good!!!! Jimmy Hart, ready good. on this attempt Kamala sounds
like a Basset Hound giving birth to a hippo. Jimmy Hart, What we need is
headphones. That is why I am the smartest man in wrestling, Headset.
Jimmy hart demonstrates how to wear a headset to Kamala. you will hear the
music. This is it Kamala. Jimmy Hart then does a thumbs up to Kamala.
This is it baby. Kamala points to headset saying good,good. They restart
in again and Kamala actually sings. Hart and producer do five and Jimmy
Hart says that it is a hit.

The second match of the day is Flex vs. The sexy Assassin # ?. They thank
Mr. White for setting up the ring. Flex does a slam.

Jimmy Hart comes out. next week will be the premiere of Kamala's new
video. I have been busy all week,besides working with Kamala. I have been
working in Hollywood to negotiate a contract with Jerry "The King" Lawler.
I have been with the McMahons to negotiate a contact for Jerry Lawler. I
am this close to making this deal work on TV today. To show what an
influence I made on the King. Ladies and Gentleman please stand and give
this man a standing ovation. The New Improved Jerry "The King" Lawler.
Jerry Lawler comes out in a black shirt and shades and tattoos all over his
arm. The fans laugh and boo at Jerry Lawler and Jimmy Hart does a we are
not worthy bow to the King as in Waynesworld. Jerry Lawler has both the
AWA and Unified World belts at his side. Cory, Where in the world have you
been? Beale Street. Lawler, Beale St.? Sunset Boulevard not Beale
street. You know where Sunset Boulevard is Cory. Have you ever had the
opportunity to be in Hollywood. You hang around Jimmy Hart and myself and
you may be in Hollywood some day. Jimmy , you want me to hold the belts
for you baby. Lawler hands Hart the belts. You know so far so good. He
has made a lot of promises to me and so far he has carried through on all
of them. The main thing is that the check did not bounce. The money is
there and so is the prestige. I was at a coming out part for the 20th
anniversary of the death of Andy Kaufman. They were expecting Andy to show
up and of course he did not show up , Jimmy. Why did he not show up? He
is dead and who killed him? Lawler points to himself and Lawler said no.
Let me say this. I will give Jimmy Hart one more chance and a little
further today to see how things work. The contract is close to being
signed. Jimmy Hart, you know why I was not at the Andy Kaufman tribute. A
lot of people asked about me. I managed him over a year and a half in
Memphis. for the last 48 hours working with my main man putting together a
tribute to Jerry "The King" Lawler. This is well deserved for you. They
show the video. It does not even have Jerry Lawler in the actual video.
Lawler is just in the opening and closing photos to start and end the
video. There are plenty of pictures Jimmy Hart with all the WWF wrestlers
that he managed. every few seconds It would show a message kissing
Lawler's butt. Lawler, I did not see myself in that video, Jimmy. What is
up with that? Jimmy, I am shocked. This is what hurts you with me king
and I love you to death but when you don't see the purpose of this. I
spent 48 hours with my main man. Jerry,What was the purpose of it? Jimmy,
I am grateful to be in New York and if was not for you, I would not
managed superstars like that and become a millionaire because of you and if
you cannot see then you nee to take your glasses off and look again. I
will show you that Jimmy Hart does have a heart. Jimmy Hart shows a bunch
of pictures. These pictures cost a lot of money to print up. If these
were on Ebay, they would sell for $25-$30. I am sure a lot of people doubt
me like Jerry Lawler does. I will pass these out to the audience and
during Lawler's match I want you to hold these up and yell Jerry Jerry!!!
It is a picture of Jerry Lawler with Jimmy Hart. Jerry Lawler, I guess he
went and printed these and give them to the fans. Some of the things that
Jimmy is saying is making sense. I know that you are worried about the
tattoos all over my arm but I went to Hollywood and have these done and
they are easily removed. You can buy these if you want. I have some for
you. I will see how it works and I will sign this for you. The fans boo

The fourth match of the day is Derrick King vs. Jerry "The New King"
Lawler. Lawler comes in to his WWE music and Jimmy Hart does his we are
not worthy bow. Jimmy Hart has a chain and is on the ring apron and
Derrick grabs the chain and takes a swing but misses. Jimmy Hart hands the
chain to Lawler and Lawler wraps it around his fist while King's attention
is diverted. Jerry throws the chain out the ring during the pin a.
Derrick claims that Lawler used a chain. They show on the smash of the
week of Lawler doing the deed with the chain. Lawler and Derrick King
argue. Jimmy Hart asks the referee Jerry Calhoun to inspect him for chains
and the referee inspects him.
Winner: Jerry Lawler.

Jimmy Hart comes out with XWF Champion Shock. Nobody in the back that has
even the right to take my XWF title. This is probably the biggest belt in
Wrestling today. Mable you want to give me the chance to get that Southern
title away from you. I am gonna have a belt on both shoulders. Jimmy
Hart, give me the Southern belt. You are the greatest manager in the sport
today. Shock, you want the belt. Then you got it.

The fifth match of the day is for the Southern Title. King Mable(Champion)
vs. Shock. Mable has Shock in trouble and Brian Christopher hits Mable
with a frying pan,. Both Christopher and shock beats up Mable.
Christopher, You are not the man!!!! I am The Man!!!!!!!!!!
Winner:via dq King Mable.

Brian Christopher comes out. Cory, Brian is not even scheduled. you Brian
took the back door because Mable is looking for you. Brian Christopher, I
never take the back door because I AM THE MAN!!!!!! OH YEAH!!!!!!!! I was
the UPN TV champion did you forget that? Cory, What are you doing here?
Brian, I am. Why am I her, Moron?!!!!!! I am the champion?!!!!!!! I am
sick and tired of all you people out here!!!!!! Mable!!!!!! Mable!!!!!!!!!!
Cory, Mable is the Southern Heavyweight champion. What are you talking
about? The fans start a Mable chant. Hey Morons?!!!!!! Do you know how
stupid you sound???!!!!!!! Brian Christopher am the man not Mable. I just
left that 500 pound piece of lard in the ring. Mable comes out and Brian
hides behind the Cory Maclin. Cory gets out of the way and hands Mable the
Mike. Mable, Let me tell you something you Southern fried shrimp. Don't
you think that you can get your ass kicked in the WWE for three weeks
straight and then come down here and take on the Southern Heavyweight
champion. Why don't you put your TV championship on the line and I will
kick your ass right now. Mable starts chasing Brian Christopher and throws
a couple of chairs at Brian Christopher. Brian gets in the ring and Mable
is held back by the referees.
Cory apologizes for the language of Mable.

Read my Memphis wrestling reports at and in the Memphis wrestling section. and watch it on
UPN 30 Memphis at 11 am every Saturday and on UPN Mississippi at 9 PM
every Saturday and on the Internet anytime. Check out my new Memphis email
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