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He ALMOST never lies! HAHAHA!!

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Jul 7, 2003, 12:57:36 PM7/7/03
Lonely Guy: 7/6/03 "I almost NEVER lie."

Lonely Guy: 7/6/03 "That's why I don't lie."



Lonely Guy's first uttering of lies about 1260 Loring Ave.: "OKAY, XXXXX! Not
ONLY have I verified you DO NOT LIVE at the address you GAVE, but because of
YOU, I scarred a VERY old black lady to the point of TEARS! I called the number
(as can ANYONE else) above, asked her if THAT was her address, and name... It
IS her address and name, but she doesn't even HAVE a computer... You may think
you're fooling folks, but you're STILL no more than a cowardly XXXX, trying to
act white... "

Lonely Guy's SECOND lie about 1260 Loring Ave.: "Yeah, you tried to make
everything THAT was YOUR name and address... I did a little research, XXXXX...
Miss ALSTON reported the people who lived there before SHE were Sheri Rudd, and
Adam Cooper, but they "got into some kinda trouble."
/ She ALSO
maintains it is an ALL BLACK area... LOL!"

Lonely Guy GETTING ALL CAUGHT UP: "LMMFAO! GO get 'em, Boy! I ASKED the lady,
and she IS "1260 Loring Avenue."


Lonely Guy now stating that 1260 Loring Ave. now has 4 apts!: "Actually, YOU
claimed it was a "huge" apt building, and I said it wasn't... I asked the old
lady, and SHE said it was a QUADplex... THAT'S right! FOUR very small
apartments, and ALL black!!!"

WAHisbad refuting that he made any such statement: "LIAR! 1260 Loring Avenue
is a huge apartment building. You said the old lady WAS 1260 Loring Avenue
and that she was the ONLY resident. You're such a liar that you can't keep up

Lonely Guy twisting: "It's all you DO, Boy! LMAO!!! I said she WAS at the

HAHAHA!! Yet, he ALMOST never lies! LOL!! BUSTED!!! KABLAMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jul 7, 2003, 6:11:41 PM7/7/03



(BM---and breakdown number 4, 563, after adding words to my posts LOL!)


WHOA!!! NEVER seen ya breakdown like THIS one! LOL! Actually, there is not ONE
lie above... I simply posted what I was told by the old lady--- and YOU'VE yet
to prove any different! the HEART of the matter (as I've maintained all along,
and what you seemed to "accidentally" delete from the above post clips) is
STILL only whether YOU live there, or not! THAT was what this was all about...
The complex COULD be a quadplex, OR--- it could hold MILLIONS! Regardless of
THAT (which you've tried to make the heart of the argument, as if anyone would
CARE about how many folks LIVE there--- YOU just use THIS ias your smokescreen,
to lure people AWAY from the fact YOU don't LIVE there!) LMAO! I have let
everyone know where YOU live! Like I said earlier--- You NEED to THINK before
posting! I've NEVER lied!


Jul 7, 2003, 6:57:41 PM7/7/03
WHOA!!! NEVER seen ya breakdown like THIS one! LOL!
Lonely Guy aka Dude

HAHAHA!! YOU WERE BUSTED!! Try, try, try to play it off.... but your little
game is exposed! LOL!

Actually, there is not ONE lie ... I simply posted what I was told by the old
lady--- Lonely Guy aka Dude (Lying again)

There's no OLD LADY there! HAHAHA!! She is a woman in her early to
mid-forties! HAHAHA!! YOU LIAR!! Did you think I wouldn't at least check out
your little tale?? I found out exactly who lives in 1-G.
I caught you in a lie and EVERYBODY can see it. They might not like it... they
might not agree with it... but I gotcha, boy!

and YOU'VE yet to prove any different!

Lonely Guy aka Dude

HAHAHA!! Famous last words?? Say goodbye to what little credibility you may
have had..... I told Dro that you were phony

the HEART of the matter (as I've maintained all along, and what you seemed to
"accidentally" delete from the above post clips) is STILL only whether YOU live
there, or not! THAT was what this was all about...

Lonely Guy aka Dude

So, you decided to MAKE UP stories about me.....saying that I was LYING about
living here by giving everyone BOGUS information?? HAHAHA!!

The complex COULD be a quadplex, OR--- it could hold MILLIONS!

Lonely Guy aka Dude

LOL!! You're trying now... that's it boy! I like that! You said "the old
lady IS 1260 Loring Avenue." HAHAHA!! Now, it COULD be a quadplex, OR it
could hold MILLIONS?? LOL!!! You're about done... somebody stick a fork in
Dude! HAHAHA!!

Regardless of THAT (which you've tried to make the heart of the argument, as if
anyone would CARE about how many folks LIVE there---

Lonely Guy aka Dude

YOU were the one that brought that element into the argument. That was YOUR
proof that I don't live here! You said it was occupied by that "old black
lady" that you nearly "scarred" to death! HAHAHA!! Well, you got BUSTED. So,
wiggle... wiggle.... wiggle....worm....wiggle....wiggle....wiggle

YOU just use THIS ias your smokescreen,
to lure people AWAY from the fact YOU don't LIVE there!) LMAO! I have let
everyone know where YOU live!

Lonely Guy aka Dude

You don't know where I live! HAHAHA!!
I have posted my address on this board.... everything EXCEPT my apartment

Like I said earlier--- You NEED to THINK before posting! I've NEVER lied!

Lonely Guy aka Dude <leaving us with one last LIE>

HAHAHAHA!! Sure ya haven't! <wink>
Bwaahaaaaaa!! haaaaa!! haaa!!


Jul 7, 2003, 7:15:51 PM7/7/03

You don't know where I live! HAHAHA!!
I have posted my address on this board.... everything EXCEPT my apartment

Like I said earlier--- You NEED to THINK before posting! I've NEVER lied!
Lonely Guy aka Dude <leaving us with one last LIE>

HAHAHAHA!! Sure ya haven't! <wink>
Bwaahaaaaaa!! haaaaa!! haaa!!

LOL....Dude, I have never seen anyone in such a panic before. I have this
visual of him wringing his hands, veins bulging out on his neck and forehead,
as he types his LIES and denials. hehehehe



Jul 7, 2003, 7:23:19 PM7/7/03
WHOA!!! NEVER seen ya breakdown like THIS one! LOL!
Lonely Guy aka Dude

HAHAHA!! YOU WERE BUSTED!! Try, try, try to play it off.... but your little
game is exposed! LOL!

WAHisbad (BM)

Really? Game? LMAO! You're PARANOID, Boy!!! EVERYTHING I've POSTED here has
been TRUTHS!! Of course, just TONIGHT I busted YOU in another lie!!! I thouight
you'd told DRO ALL about your personal info! ROFL!!! NOT what SHE says! LMAO!

Actually, there is not ONE lie ... I simply posted what I was told by the old
lady--- Lonely Guy aka Dude (Lying again)

There's no OLD LADY there! HAHAHA!! She is a woman in her early to
mid-forties! HAHAHA!! YOU LIAR!! Did you think I wouldn't at least check out
your little tale?? I found out exactly who lives in 1-G.
I caught you in a lie and EVERYBODY can see it. They might not like it... they
might not agree with it... but I gotcha, boy!


Actually, you've done NOTHING but waste time! She's an OLD lady, and I've GOT
her phone NUMBER!!! LIKE I said--- THIS can be PROVEN... ALL of your ridiculous
little work today has resulted ONLY in maing YOURSELF out to be an even BIGGER
liar, LOL! I can PROVE my stuff, BOY! YOU never DO! (Why? Because ya never
THINK! Not ONE lie, in ALL of your work!

and YOU'VE yet to prove any different!
Lonely Guy aka Dude

HAHAHA!! Famous last words?? Say goodbye to what little credibility you may
have had..... I told Dro that you were phony


Like I said--- ZERO lies... You can make as much noise as you'd like-- but NO
lies, Boy! THAT just KILLS ya, don't it???

the HEART of the matter (as I've maintained all along, and what you seemed to
"accidentally" delete from the above post clips) is STILL only whether YOU live
there, or not! THAT was what this was all about...
Lonely Guy aka Dude

So, you decided to MAKE UP stories about me.....saying that I was LYING about
living here by giving everyone BOGUS information?? HAHAHA!!

Hardly. Name ONE piece that was "bogus." NONE of it was... The old lady (WITH
no computer) exists, and will tell EVERYONE just what she told me! And she IS
OLD! HOW old, I can't say, without actually meeting her--- but she's OLD! LOL!
The ONLY bogus information EVER on this subject was the fact YOU tried to sell
for fact you lived there... Nuh-uh... ORANGEBURG, Baby! And pretty much
EVERYONE knows it, boy! Like I said--- THINK before ya LIE! LOL!

The complex COULD be a quadplex, OR--- it could hold MILLIONS!
Lonely Guy aka Dude

LOL!! You're trying now... that's it boy! I like that! You said "the old
lady IS 1260 Loring Avenue." HAHAHA!! Now, it COULD be a quadplex, OR it
could hold MILLIONS?? LOL!!! You're about done... somebody stick a fork in
Dude! HAHAHA!!


Calm down, Boy... You people have that blood problem... Wouldn't want ya dying
off on us! LOL! You're calling the FCAT that I didn't know how many people
lived at the Loring address a "lie?" Is THAT all you can come UP with, when ALL
that anyone CARED about was whether YOU lived there, which was the REAL lie???
I mean, does anyone on this BOARD really CARE about how many people live in
that building??? THAT is what ALL of this SCREAMING is about? ROFLMMFAO! Yes,
in ALL of the noise you've MADE here, you've tried your DARNDEST to make 'em
forget about why YOU wouldn't go to the old lady that KC got ahold of! LOL!
Because YOU've NEVER lived there! LMAO! Woh CARES how many people live there???
LOL! THAT has NOTHING to do with this argument!

Regardless of THAT (which you've tried to make the heart of the argument, as if
anyone would CARE about how many folks LIVE there---
Lonely Guy aka Dude

YOU were the one that brought that element into the argument. That was YOUR

proof that I don't live here! (BM)

LMAO!!! HARDLY!!! MY proof is the fact you LIVE on Beech Dr, Orangeburg, LOL!
MY proof is that you would NOT go to the lady KC knows, to PROVE you live
there! LMAO! MY proof is that you had to LIE about the old lady today--- There
is no DOUBT that you ARE BM, and all the noise today does NOTHING to make
people see otherwise! Like I said--- I can PROVE theol lady is OLD, LOL! AND
that she has no computer!!! TWO lies you told, JUST TODAY! Boy, you need to
quit while you're WAY behind!

You said it was occupied by that "old black
lady" that you nearly "scarred" to death! HAHAHA!! Well, you got BUSTED. So,
wiggle... wiggle.... wiggle....worm....wiggle....wiggle....wiggle


Like I said... THAT one is EASILY proven... Just email me, and I will be GLAD
to give her telephone number out... Just don't scare her, as she's kind of
frail... THAT makes YOU out the liar, boy!

YOU just use THIS ias your smokescreen,
to lure people AWAY from the fact YOU don't LIVE there!) LMAO! I have let
everyone know where YOU live!
Lonely Guy aka Dude

You don't know where I live! HAHAHA!!
I have posted my address on this board.... everything EXCEPT my apartment


Because you HAVE no apt number! ALL you HAVE is a shotgun house in Orangeburg,
boy! GUARANTEED! The ONLY "loser" is the one who sat at the computer all day
(he's on welfare) TRYING his HARDEST to make someone who doesn't LIE out a
LIAR! ROFLMAO! ALL that WORK, Boy! Yielded NADA, except to make YOURSELF out a


Like I said earlier--- You NEED to THINK before posting! I've NEVER lied!
Lonely Guy aka Dude

HAHAHAHA!! Sure ya haven't! <wink>
Bwaahaaaaaa!! haaaaa!! haaa!!

(BM) (melting, again...)

Yes, it is... But you'll be out there, TRYING again tomorrow! LOL! Try, try as
you will--- but you'll NEVER catch ME in a lie... EVER! ONLY you and DRO have
been caught on lies on this group... NO one else!


Jul 7, 2003, 7:32:03 PM7/7/03
Like I said earlier--- You NEED to THINK before posting! I've NEVER lied!
Lonely Guy aka Dude <leaving us with one last LIE>

HAHAHAHA!! Sure ya haven't! <wink>
Bwaahaaaaaa!! haaaaa!! haaa!!

LOL....Dude, I have never seen anyone in such a panic before. I have this
visual of him wringing his hands, veins bulging out on his neck and forehead,
as he types his LIES and denials. hehehehe


LMMFAO!!!! WORSE part is--- ALL that WORK, and NOTHING!!!! LOL! BUT--- I've got
something YOU may find interesting! On it's way!


Jul 7, 2003, 7:36:20 PM7/7/03
LOL....Dude, I have never seen anyone in such a panic before. I have this
visual of him wringing his hands, veins bulging out on his neck and forehead,
as he types his LIES and denials. hehehehe

Yeah... I can see it, too! Dude is probably breaking down to the ground! LOL!
I GOT HIM GOOD! Can't you hear old Dude saying, "now ebeyboddy gwine a'
know.. i'se a faker!" LOL!! In that old Cajun accent.


Jul 7, 2003, 8:05:44 PM7/7/03

know.. i'se a faker!" LOL!! In that old Cajun accent. waa-waa

The sad part is, you really see it that way, but in reality you are just
proving over and over, you are a LIAR. Keep up the good work..hehehe



Jul 7, 2003, 8:08:00 PM7/7/03
Really? Game? LMAO! You're PARANOID, Boy!!! EVERYTHING I've POSTED here has
been TRUTHS!! Of course, just TONIGHT I busted YOU in another lie!!! I thouight
you'd told DRO ALL about your personal info! ROFL!!! NOT what SHE says! LMAO!
Poor Dude

HAHAHA!! EVERYTHING you've posted here has been LIES!! Oh, I told Dro who I
was and she'll verify that. I didn't give her my address or phone number. Why
would I do that??? But, she knows I'm not BM! HAHAHA!!

Actually, you've done NOTHING but waste time! She's an OLD lady, and I've GOT
her phone NUMBER!!!

Poor Dude

I'd say she's in her early to mid-forties! HAHAHA!! She is NOT an old lady!
BTW, where did you get her phone number??? FROM GOOGLE?? Bwahaaaaa!! haaaa!!

LIKE I said--- THIS can be PROVEN... ALL of your ridiculous little work today
has resulted ONLY in maing YOURSELF out to be an even BIGGER liar, LOL! I can
PROVE my stuff, BOY! YOU never DO! (Why? Because ya never THINK! Not ONE lie,
in ALL of your work!

Poor Dude

Either you're in denial or you can't read!! LOL!! There are plenty of your
LIES that have been exposed! HAHAHA!! I HAVE proven it all...... IT CANNOT
BE DENIED! You have lost, bud! LOL!!!

Like I said--- ZERO lies... You can make as much noise as you'd like-- but NO
lies, Boy! THAT just KILLS ya, don't it???

Poor Dude

DENIALS, DENIALS! HAHAHA!! Let it go, Dude. Let the humiliation out....
scream if you have to.... I told you this was coming.... a long time ago!!

Hardly. Name ONE piece that was "bogus." NONE of it was... The old lady (WITH
no computer) exists, and will tell EVERYONE just what she told me! And she IS
OLD! HOW old, I can't say, without actually meeting her--- but she's OLD! LOL!

Poor Dude

About 43 years old! HAHAHA!! You poor loser! She even has an email address!!
I guess it doesn't do her much good having a HOTMAIL ADDRESS, huh?? LOL!!
Heck, I even exposed your LIES about how many people lived here!! LOL!!

The ONLY bogus information EVER on this subject was the fact YOU tried to sell
for fact you lived there... Nuh-uh... ORANGEBURG, Baby! And pretty much
EVERYONE knows it, boy! Like I said--- THINK before ya LIE! LOL!

Poor Dude

If ya wanna say so.... that's fine! As long as I know... and I've proven you
to be the LIAR that you are... I am no longer concerned about it! HAHAHAHA!!
I'm just going to sit back now, and laugh at you! HAHAHAHAHA!!

Calm down, Boy... You people have that blood problem... Wouldn't want ya dying
off on us! LOL! You're calling the FCAT that I didn't know how many people
lived at the Loring address a "lie?" Is THAT all you can come UP with, when ALL
that anyone CARED about was whether YOU lived there, which was the REAL lie???

Poor Dude

You said that the "old lady" WAS the ONLY person living at 1260 Loring Avenue.
You said that the people that were arrested in that article were living there
before the old lady moved in.... and that is what the OLD LADY told you! LOL!!
HAHAHAHA!!! Kinda ashamed of those LIES, aren't you?? I know!

I mean, does anyone on this BOARD really CARE about how many people live in
that building??? THAT is what ALL of this SCREAMING is about? ROFLMMFAO! Yes,
in ALL of the noise you've MADE here, you've tried your DARNDEST to make 'em
forget about why YOU wouldn't go to the old lady that KC got ahold of! LOL!

Poor Dude

You mean the one that she says had nothing to do with YOU?? It's THE SAME

Because YOU've NEVER lived there! Poor Dude

I live here. LOL! Are you in denial because YOU were unable to PROVE it??
HAHAHA!! If YOU had discovered where I live, then you'd believe it....
right??? LOL!!

LMAO!!! HARDLY!!! MY proof is the fact you LIVE on Beech Dr, Orangeburg, LOL!

Poor Dude

What is your proof?? I am anxious to know how you can prove that I*, a
resident of Apartment building 1260 Loring Ave. lives somewhere else...... How
do you do it?? Bwaaahahaaaahaaa!!

MY proof is that you would NOT go to the lady KC knows,

Poor Dude

KC doesn't know that lady. HAHAHA!! Straight from GOOGLE! LOL!! Ask her!
You're getting to be hilarious, now!! HAHAHA!

to PROVE you live there! LMAO! MY proof is that you had to LIE about the old
lady today---

Poor Dude

What lie?? There is no OLD lady. There is a middle aged woman in that
apartment. I saw her with my own eyes!! YOU LOST! LOL!

There is no DOUBT that you ARE BM, and all the noise today does NOTHING to make
people see otherwise!

Poor Dude

I am not BM and all of your LIES have been invented by you to make it appear
that I am. You scoundrel! HAHAHA!!

Like I said--- I can PROVE theol lady is OLD, LOL! AND
that she has no computer!!! TWO lies you told, JUST TODAY! Boy, you need to
quit while you're WAY behind!

Poor Dude

OK.... PROVE IT! Go ahead! HAHAHA!
Ya can't do it!

Like I said... THAT one is EASILY proven... Just email me, and I will be GLAD
to give her telephone number out... Just don't scare her, as she's kind of
frail... THAT makes YOU out the liar, boy!

Poor Dude

You got her number and name from the webpage that I provided in my post! She
is not OLD and frail. She is middle aged.

Because you HAVE no apt number! ALL you HAVE is a shotgun house in Orangeburg,
boy! GUARANTEED! The ONLY "loser" is the one who sat at the computer all day
(he's on welfare) TRYING his HARDEST to make someone who doesn't LIE out a
LIAR! ROFLMAO! ALL that WORK, Boy! Yielded NADA, except to make YOURSELF out a

Poor Dude

No, I don't think so. It proved what a LIAR you are. You're done and I'm

Yes, it is... But you'll be out there, TRYING again tomorrow! LOL! Try, try as
you will--- but you'll NEVER catch ME in a lie... EVER! ONLY you and DRO have
been caught on lies on this group... NO one else!

Poor Dude

You don't even know that you've been busted!! Now, THAT is sad! :-((


Jul 7, 2003, 8:14:21 PM7/7/03
The sad part is, you really see it that way, but in reality you are just
proving over and over, you are a LIAR. Keep up the good work..hehehe

Awww, NKY. Don't do this to yourself? You should loosen your grip on Dude
now..... (of course, I know that as a leech, it's a little difficult to pull
away from your host). I know it saddens you to see your hero humiliated like
this. But, all he has done is lie to you from the very beginning.
I never expected you to acknowledge that he has lied, though. So, no surprises
from you, here! HAHAHAHA!


Jul 7, 2003, 8:49:49 PM7/7/03
Awww, NKY. Don't do this to yourself? You should loosen your grip on Dude
now..... (of course, I know that as a leech, it's a little difficult to pull
away from your host). I know it saddens you to see your hero humiliated like
this. But, all he has done is lie to you from the very beginning.
I never expected you to acknowledge that he has lied, though. So, no surprises
from you, here! HAHAHAHA!

I guess PROVING you a LIAR again means I'm "humiliated?" Cool! LOL!

loves to laugh

Jul 7, 2003, 9:08:16 PM7/7/03
You NEED to THINK before
posting! I've NEVER lied! <= Ricky

How many dozens of times are you going to say this? You DOTH protest too much.



loves to laugh

Jul 7, 2003, 9:09:38 PM7/7/03
I've got
something YOU may find interesting! On it's way! <==== Ricky

LOL. I just received an e-mail with similar words. HAHAHAAAAAA


loves to laugh

Jul 7, 2003, 9:11:43 PM7/7/03
Try, try as
you will--- but you'll NEVER catch ME in a lie... EVER! <=== Ricky

Geez .. what is this? The umpteenth post so far just in the last two hours
about you and your lies?

I caught you in two lies. I am sure there are others.



Jul 7, 2003, 9:18:59 PM7/7/03
Really? Game? LMAO! You're PARANOID, Boy!!! EVERYTHING I've POSTED here has
been TRUTHS!! Of course, just TONIGHT I busted YOU in another lie!!! I thouight
you'd told DRO ALL about your personal info! ROFL!!! NOT what SHE says! LMAO!
Poor Dude

HAHAHA!! EVERYTHING you've posted here has been LIES!! Oh, I told Dro who I
was and she'll verify that. I didn't give her my address or phone number.

LOL! THEN, you LIED!!! YOU said she knew EVERYTHING about your funky butt! LOL!

would I do that??? But, she knows I'm not BM! HAHAHA!!

Even SHE is NOT that stupid!!! (Well, okay--maybe HER!) but NO ONE else!!!
Your every POST exudes of the reeking one!!!

Actually, you've done NOTHING but waste time! She's an OLD lady, and I've GOT
her phone NUMBER!!!
Poor Dude

I'd say she's in her early to mid-forties! HAHAHA!! She is NOT an old lady!
BTW, where did you get her phone number??? FROM GOOGLE?? Bwahaaaaa!! haaaa!!


Actually, I "got" it from a post that YOU reponded to!!! LMMFAO!!! Yes!!!
YOU!!!!! (Don't deny it, Boy-- cause I'll prove ya a liar--- AGAIN!!!)


LIKE I said--- THIS can be PROVEN... ALL of your ridiculous little work today
has resulted ONLY in maing YOURSELF out to be an even BIGGER liar, LOL! I can
PROVE my stuff, BOY! YOU never DO! (Why? Because ya never THINK! Not ONE lie,
in ALL of your work!
Poor Dude

Either you're in denial or you can't read!! LOL!! There are plenty of your
LIES that have been exposed!

NONE at all, actually... Only a bunch of hollering and screaming about

HAHAHA!! I HAVE proven it all...... IT CANNOT
BE DENIED! You have lost, bud! LOL!!!


ONLY you have "lost." I have proven you a liar FAR too many times now, BM... AS
have many otheres here, including Margo! YOU and your gullible BOSS lady are
the ONLY losers here, Boy!!!

Like I said--- ZERO lies... You can make as much noise as you'd like-- but NO
lies, Boy! THAT just KILLS ya, don't it???
Poor Dude

DENIALS, DENIALS! HAHAHA!! Let it go, Dude. Let the humiliation out....
scream if you have to.... I told you this was coming.... a long time ago!!


LOTS of caps--- NO proof of lies... Like I said--- I NEVER lie, and you'll
NEVER prove I have... EVER! BANK on THAT, Boy! LOL!

Hardly. Name ONE piece that was "bogus." NONE of it was... The old lady (WITH
no computer) exists, and will tell EVERYONE just what she told me! And she IS
OLD! HOW old, I can't say, without actually meeting her--- but she's OLD! LOL!
Poor Dude

About 43 years old! HAHAHA!! You poor loser! She even has an email address!!
I guess it doesn't do her much good having a HOTMAIL ADDRESS, huh?? LOL!!
Heck, I even exposed your LIES about how many people lived here!! LOL!!


She's at LEAST 70, and THAT can be proven by a simple phone call... I HAVE the
number! Your lies will no longer work! She does NOT have a computer, and never
DID! And, you may as well stop using the "here" stuff, cause we ALL know you
DON'T live there! LOL! TOO many times you've said, "there!" LMMFAO!!! Does it
HURT to be so numb?????

The ONLY bogus information EVER on this subject was the fact YOU tried to sell
for fact you lived there... Nuh-uh... ORANGEBURG, Baby! And pretty much
EVERYONE knows it, boy! Like I said--- THINK before ya LIE! LOL!
Poor Dude

If ya wanna say so.... that's fine! As long as I know... and I've proven you
to be the LIAR that you are...

You've proven nothing.. Oh, you WERE!!! You were going to "show us all proof"
that you LIVED at the loring address... Of course, as always--- ALL talk!
You've NEVER proved ANYTHING besides an Afro-poetry page... That's IT! *I*

I am no longer concerned about it! HAHAHAHA!!

LMAO!!! THAT'S what this is all about! ROFL!!!! YOU think the smokescreen you
just pulled up will take people's MINDS off the fact that you ARE BM!
LMMFAOTNE!!!! NONE of your stuff EVER works, Boy! LOL!

I'm just going to sit back now, and laugh at you! HAHAHAHAHA!!

LOL! As if we didn't all know you're CRYING!!! I've turned you EVERY way but
loose, Boy!!! I've REVEALED you for what you ARE, and EVERYONE has seen it!!!
Your little day's work proved ONLY some MORE lies on YOU! LOL! THINK before ya
POST!!!!! SHEESH!!!!!

Calm down, Boy... You people have that blood problem... Wouldn't want ya dying
off on us! LOL! You're calling the FCAT that I didn't know how many people
lived at the Loring address a "lie?" Is THAT all you can come UP with, when ALL
that anyone CARED about was whether YOU lived there, which was the REAL lie???
Poor Dude

You said that the "old lady" WAS the ONLY person living at 1260 Loring Avenue.
You said that the people that were arrested in that article were living there
before the old lady moved in.... and that is what the OLD LADY told you!

And THAT is EXACTLY what she said, and I firmly believe that is STILL the
truth! There is NO doubt in my MIND that THAT is the TRUTH!!! UNLIKE the fact
that YOU have LIED about living there! LMAO!

HAHAHAHA!!! Kinda ashamed of those LIES, aren't you?? I know!


There ya go again... SHE even backed THOSE truths up... ALL you DO is lie,
which I've maintained since your FIRST day on this group!!

I mean, does anyone on this BOARD really CARE about how many people live in
that building??? THAT is what ALL of this SCREAMING is about? ROFLMMFAO! Yes,
in ALL of the noise you've MADE here, you've tried your DARNDEST to make 'em
forget about why YOU wouldn't go to the old lady that KC got ahold of! LOL!
Poor Dude

You mean the one that she says had nothing to do with YOU?? It's THE SAME


Actually, they are NOT the same person... THAT is where you're getting ALL
confused!!! Of course, it's EASY for YOU to do that, and the REST of your kind!


Because YOU've NEVER lived there! Poor Dude

I live here.

Yes, in Orangeburg, and ALL here know this!!

LOL! Are you in denial because YOU were unable to PROVE it??

Oh, but I HAVE!!! The DAY you posted that pathetic, "I'm sorry" post!!!

HAHAHA!! If YOU had discovered where I live, then you'd believe it....
right??? LOL!!

No NEED to, when I already KNOW, Boy! LMAO! You're too DENSE to even CHANGE
your POSTING style!!! LMMFAO! THAT comes with being one of "your kind!" ROFL!

LMAO!!! HARDLY!!! MY proof is the fact you LIVE on Beech Dr, Orangeburg, LOL!
Poor Dude

What is your proof?? I am anxious to know how you can prove that I*, a
resident of Apartment building 1260 Loring Ave. lives somewhere else...... How
do you do it?? Bwaaahahaaaahaaa!!

By having someone like YOU admit it, when your "uncle" jumped your ARSE!
ROFLMMFAO!! PLease, you're KILLING me when I think about that post!!! Bubba,
THAT was proof ENOUGH!!!

MY proof is that you would NOT go to the lady KC knows,
Poor Dude

KC doesn't know that lady. HAHAHA!! Straight from GOOGLE! LOL!! Ask her!
You're getting to be hilarious, now!! HAHAHA!

Oh, she knows OF her, alright... And YOU could go there, and PROVE me a LIAR
ONCE and for ALL!!! That's what you're AFTER!!! All of this nonsense today only
PROVED you're a bigger liar than anyone had THOUGHT! BUT--- if you go see the
woman, and have her let KC KNOW----- THEN you can PROVE me a LIAR for GOOD!!!
Of course, if you DON'T--- THAT pretty much shows YOU'RE the liar, and DO live
in Orangeburg! THAT simple, Boy!!! (NOW watch him flip-flop around!!!)

to PROVE you live there! LMAO! MY proof is that you had to LIE about the old
lady today---
Poor Dude

What lie?? There is no OLD lady. There is a middle aged woman in that
apartment. I saw her with my own eyes!! YOU LOST! LOL!

ALL lies! And now, EVERYONE can find out!!! *I'VE* got her NUMBER! A VERY old
lady, with NO computer!!!

There is no DOUBT that you ARE BM, and all the noise today does NOTHING to make
people see otherwise!
Poor Dude

I am not BM and all of your LIES have been invented by you to make it appear
that I am. You scoundrel! HAHAHA!!

LMMFAO!!!! ONLY your posting style has proven that... NO lies needed, Boy! HOW
did you KNOW about NKY anf the ACLU thing???? HMMM???? LMAO! BUSTED!!!!

Like I said--- I can PROVE theol lady is OLD, LOL! AND
that she has no computer!!! TWO lies you told, JUST TODAY! Boy, you need to
quit while you're WAY behind!
Poor Dude

OK.... PROVE IT! Go ahead! HAHAHA!
Ya can't do it!

YOU prove OTHERWISE!!! GO ahead!!! YOU've proved NOTHING today! If ANYONE whom
I trust wants to call the old woman--- I'll give them the number!!! YOU lose,
BOY! When ANYONE talks to her-- they'll KNOW who's lying!!!

Like I said... THAT one is EASILY proven... Just email me, and I will be GLAD
to give her telephone number out... Just don't scare her, as she's kind of
frail... THAT makes YOU out the liar, boy!
Poor Dude

You got her number and name from the webpage that I provided in my post! She
is not OLD and frail. She is middle aged.

LMAO!!!!! I got it from a post YOU replied to!!!! LMAO!!! ASKL KC---- SHE
received a copy! LOL! ANOTHER lie! ROFL!!

Because you HAVE no apt number! ALL you HAVE is a shotgun house in Orangeburg,
boy! GUARANTEED! The ONLY "loser" is the one who sat at the computer all day
(he's on welfare) TRYING his HARDEST to make someone who doesn't LIE out a
LIAR! ROFLMAO! ALL that WORK, Boy! Yielded NADA, except to make YOURSELF out a
Poor Dude

No, I don't think so. It proved what a LIAR you are. You're done and I'm


JUST because YOU say it means nothing... You have NO credibility, and have been
PROVEN liar... You've lost Boy---again!

Yes, it is... But you'll be out there, TRYING again tomorrow! LOL! Try, try as
you will--- but you'll NEVER catch ME in a lie... EVER! ONLY you and DRO have
been caught on lies on this group... NO one else!
Poor Dude

You don't even know that you've been busted!! Now, THAT is sad! :-((


It'll take someone a WHOLE lot smarter than YOU to "bust" ME!!!!!

loves to laugh

Jul 7, 2003, 9:31:14 PM7/7/03
been TRUTHS!! <==== Ricky

Oh boy. You are REALLY going bonkers now. How many hundreds of times are you
going to say the same garbage??

PLEEECE make this the last one.




Jul 7, 2003, 9:50:25 PM7/7/03
You NEED to THINK before
posting! I've NEVER lied! <= Ricky

How many dozens of times are you going to say this? You DOTH protest too much.

(Dro, using MY exact words against me!!! LOL!)


Yet, I'll NEVER be able to say it as many times as YOU have denied MY knowledge
of YOU (BOTH your accounts!!! LMMFAO!!!)


Jul 7, 2003, 9:51:49 PM7/7/03
>LOL. I just received an e-mail with similar words. HAHAHAAAAAA



Jul 7, 2003, 9:53:45 PM7/7/03
Try, try as
you will--- but you'll NEVER catch ME in a lie... EVER! <=== Ricky

Geez .. what is this? The umpteenth post so far just in the last two hours
about you and your lies?

Umm... That "selective" thing again??? I'm simply replying to your BUD's
posts... Kinda upset I'm showing HIM for the liar HE is??? LOL!

I caught you in two lies. I am sure there are others.

You've caught me in nothing... Only *I* have caught YOU!!! (AND I have your
data!!!!!!) LOL!


Jul 7, 2003, 10:01:40 PM7/7/03
Oh boy. You are REALLY going bonkers now. How many hundreds of times are you
going to say the same garbage??

PLEEECE make this the last one.



Now, THIS is pathetic! Your boy must be BEGGING for help! LOL! Is there ANY
particular reason you're failing to copy ALL of those posts?? BWAHAHAHAHAAAA!

loves to laugh

Jul 7, 2003, 10:06:00 PM7/7/03


of YOU (BOTH your accounts!!! LMMFAO!!!) <= Ricky

HAHAA - you have never posted or sent ANY proof.

I LOVE IT. I was right ALL along.



Jul 7, 2003, 10:13:06 PM7/7/03

Yet, I'll NEVER be able to say it as many times as YOU have denied MY knowledge
of YOU (BOTH your accounts!!! LMMFAO!!!) <= Ricky

HAHAA - you have never posted or sent ANY proof.

I LOVE IT. I was right ALL along.


Yes, you WERE!! Because you KNOW I KNOW!!!

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