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$50,000 from $5...REALLY!

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Dirk Heinrich

Aug 2, 2001, 8:16:04 AM8/2/01

"steve hines" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hello!! How would you like to make thousands of dollars, quickly,
> legally, and with no catch? Then keep reading....
> Please take 5 minutes to read this article: IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE,
> just like it did mine. It's true! You can make upto or over $50,000 in 4
> to 6 weeks, maybe sooner! I swear I'm not lyingto you, and this is not
> a scam! If your interested, read further; and if not , then don't part-
> icipate. However, please download this , print it out and give it to
> someone else who would like to take advantage.
> Here we go. A little while back, I was browsing through these news-
> groups, just like you are doing now, and came across an article similar
> to this, that said you could make thousands of dollars in a few weeks
> with only an initial investment of only $5! So I thought, "yeah right,
> just another scam." But I kept seeing the article in many newsgroups,
> so I was curious. Anyway, it said to send $1 to each of the five names
> and addresses listed in the article. You then place your name and address
> at the bottom of the list in the fifth position, and then post the
> article in at least 200 newsgroups (there are thousands). No catch, that
> was it!!
> So after thinking it over and talking to a few friends, I decided to
> give it a try. I figured what have I got to lose except $5 and 5 stamps.
> Right? Well guess what?.. within 7 days, I started getting some response
> in the mail! I was shocked!! But pleasantly surprised. I still didn't
> believe thousands were on there way, and didn't give it another thought.
> But then the money kept coming in, tripling in size and multiplying by 10
> to 20 times the amount I got in the first week!! In the first week I
> recieved about $25, but after the second week, I had a total near $1000!!
> In the third week I recieved just short of $10,000, and everday there
> would litteraly be a bundle of letters! This is the start of my fifth
> week and at total I have made over $43,582(yesterday's grand total so far)
> and the letters are still coming! And I'm starting again.
> Let me tell you how this works and most importantly, WHY IT WORKS....
> also, make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the
> information off of it, and begin earning money today!
> The process is very simple, and it consists of just 3 easy steps:
> $$$$$$STEP 1
> Get 5 seperate pieces of paper and write the following words on each
> piece of paper..."Please add me to your mailing list, your name was in
> position 1 " Then write your name and address on the piece of paper.
> Now repeat the process with the other four pieces of paper, except of
> course you will write "your name was in position 2" on the second piece,
> and "your name was in position 3" on the third get it. Now
> place each piece of paper around a $1 bill and place inside of the
> envelopes. You should now have five envelopes, with one dollar in each,
> wrapped in a piece of paper that says "please add me to your mailing
> list"(you will be added to a mailing list, that's what makes it legal)
> Make sure that the position number matches the position of the person
> that you are mailing to. Thats how they will tell the progress of this
> article. Now mail the envelopes to the following 5 addresses:
> $$$$$ 1 P.B. MULHOLLAND
> 8915 S. Shrout rd.
> Grain Valley, MO 64029
> $$$$$ 2 T. KYE
> 12605 Pinecrest rd.
> Herndon, VA 20171
> $$$$$ 3 H WILLIAMS
> 10400 Phar Lap Dr.
> Cupertino, CA 95014
> $$$$$ 4 D. St-Louis
> 5315 Gatineu #205
> Montreal Qc, H3t-1X1 Canada
> $$$$$ 5 S. HINES
> 9804 Kingsman
> Dallas, TX 75228
> $$$$$STEP 2
> Now take the name #1 off the list that you see above, move the other four
> names up the list (2 becomes 1, 3 becomes 2,ect..), and put your name
> and address in position 5.
> $$$$$STEP 3
> Now rewrite this article to tell your own story(you may be able to save
> this one and edit it instead) and be sure to put your name in position 5
> and move up the others, and post it in at least 200 newsgroups. The more
> the exposure, the more responses you will get. All you need is a good
> foundation of returns.
> You are now in the mail order business and will now start recieving
> your $1 envelopes from people all over within a few days! HINT: THE
> want to rent a p.o. bos because of the volume of mail you will recieve.
> Out of every 200 postings lets say you recieve only 5 responses, which
> is very low. So you made $5 with your name in position #5. Now then,
> Lets say that each of those people make 200 postings for themseves. Now
> your name is posted 1000 times in position 4, and still out ther in po-
> sition 5, and you now make $50. Now what's 50 times 200. So for position
> 3 your name is out there 10,000 times. If the trend continues, you name
> will be posted about 250,000- 1.000.000 times. You can easily see how
> you can make fast cash wit only 5 respones for each 200 postings.
> When your name no longer appears on the list, you just take the latest
> posting that is in the latest newsgroups, and send out another $5 to the
> names on the list and start again.(like I'm doing right now)
> People have asked,"What if the plan is played out and no one sends you
> money, then what" All I say is "So what? It's only $5" What are the
> chances of that happening when there are thousands of newsgroups, and tons
> of new honest users and people joining the internet each day and are
> willing to give it a try?!? Estimates are between 20,000 and 50,000 new
> users every day. Remember, play FAIR and HONEST, and THIS WILL WORK. I
> PROMISE YOU! You have to be patient. Make sure you print this out
> right now! Also keep a list of everyone who sends you money, you may be
> able to sell the list to businesses when you have enough. Also keep an
> eye on the newsgroups and keep everyone playing fair! You do not have to
> cheat to make your money! GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE, PLAY FAIR, AND YOU WILL
> steve

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