Text sharpness

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Proiezionista Tendenzioso

Feb 22, 2024, 5:12:25 AM2/22/24
to yWriter
I need to improve the text sharpness in yW7 (windows 11). I tried to change font, change screen resolution, Clear Type options, text size in window. The text in other apps is very sharp e readable, but not in yWriter... So I'm looking for some suggestion, thanks.

raffronto ywriter libreoffice.jpg

Simon Haynes

Feb 22, 2024, 5:14:45 AM2/22/24
to ywr...@googlegroups.com
Which version of yWriter7?  Older ones might be using Windows scaling of 'legacy apps', but recent versions are DPI-aware.

If it's still fuzzy in the latest version, that's dotnet and winforms, and not something I can control. Unless you (or windows) has overridden the scaling for that one program.

On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 at 18:12, Proiezionista Tendenzioso <marioro...@gmail.com> wrote:
I need to improve the text sharpness in yW7 (windows 11). I tried to change font, change screen resolution, Clear Type options, text size in window. The text in other apps is very sharp e readable, but not in yWriter... So I'm looking for some suggestion, thanks.

raffronto ywriter libreoffice.jpg

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Peter T.

Feb 25, 2024, 3:13:44 PM2/25/24
to yWriter

Have you already tried to switch off the scaling specifically for yWriter? 

  1. To do this, open the properties dialog of the installed exe file (right-click) and select the "Compatibility" tab. 
  2. There is a button "Change high DPI settings". If you click on it, a pop-up window will open. 
  3. There you can tick the checkbox "Override high DPI scaling behavior" at the bottom and select "Application". 

(Sorry, I'm just translating the German entries here, I don't know what they are called in Italian)

This will exclude the yWriter application from scaling, so the text may be small, yet sharp. 
You can try to compensate this by selecting a larger font for UI and editor.

I hope this helps,

Proiezionista Tendenzioso

Feb 26, 2024, 2:39:27 AM2/26/24
to yWriter
Thank you, yes, that's the correct procedure! 
I was talking about that with Simon Haynes also.

I'm grateful for the help, now the screen is really comfortable.
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