Beta V2023.13.1 Available

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yWriter App Support

Feb 16, 2023, 5:46:58 AM2/16/23
to yWriter App Beta
Hi yWriter Android Beta Testers,

A new beta test version (V2023.13.1) is available.

In Summary:
- Fix many bugs in rich text editor
- Option to swap between rich text editor and plain text editor
- Minor UI improvements

To check if you're on the current beta version, go to yWriter Menu -> About/Help and check the version number at the bottom. Beta updates are recieved from the play store but you must first be opted in to the beta from the store page.

In Detail:
I've fixed more issues with converting HTML to yWriter format which were causing problems when saving and loading scenes from a rich text editor. It should no longer have issues where it adds extra newlines etc. These fixes mean that you should be able to seamlessly between formatted scenes on yWriter for desktop and mobile. In other words, although mobile has less options (only bold + italic at the moment) it should not lose any of your other formatting from yWriter for desktop.

I have switched to an entirely different rich text editor control to work around performance issues/etc that were out of my control. This one is open source so I can make fixes directly if any issues arise.

I have made the rich text editor optional, so that you can switch between plain text and rich text editing. That way if there's any more unexpected issues at least you can use plain text with markup as a workaround. Once I'm sure it's completely stable, it will probably replace the plain text editor.

There's otherwise been some minor tweaks to the UI to improve usability. More UI improvements are on their way soon.

yWriter App Support

Giulia Fancelli Clifford

Feb 16, 2023, 6:49:07 PM2/16/23
to yWriter App Beta

Again, you're terrific. I am impressed at the speed you're working on this project. Thank you for your time and all your hard work!

First of all, the update about the gboard: with the previous version, I had installed the gboard, and the problem with the keyboard I had reported had gone, so it was the Samsung keyboard the issue, not the app. Anyways,

I opened the updated version, and I can take the bold off the text, which is excellent; I saw that you have even the italics option, which is also fantastic. There's no center, but you said the text wouldn't lose the formatting, so I'm not worried.

What I have a little problem with, however, is the fact that the screen is almost completely blackened (again) by a black square on top of the keyboard, as if the keyboard was opening twice, once blank and once with the actual keys, which leaves only 1/4 of the screen for the text. This, by the way, doesn't happen with the plain text editor. 

Sorry about giving you more work!


yWriter App Support

Feb 16, 2023, 9:29:30 PM2/16/23
to yWriter App Beta
Thanks Guilia!

A new minor update for beta testers is available (V2023.13.2) that fixes the keyboard issue. The new rich text editor was calculating the keyboard size wrong when setting up the display. Thanks for reporting that.
Also includes a fix for
- A bug where you couldn't scroll all the way to the bottom of the plain text editor after adding new text.
- A bug where new text added in the plain text editor before saving wasn't being brought into the rich text editor.

P.S. Now that I've replaced the rich text editor, if you switch back to the samsung keyboard, everything should work normally again. The old rich text editor had many bugs when used with samsung keyboard, which I've reported to it's creators. It would be useful if you could check if this works fine with samsung keyboard now.

yWriter App Support

Giulia Fancelli Clifford

Feb 16, 2023, 11:16:02 PM2/16/23
to yWriter App Beta

I just downloaded the newest update, and the keyboard size is fine now; thank you. 

I tried switching back to the Samsung keyboard, as you asked. Unfortunately, I need to report that the bold and spacing problem with the Samsung keyboard is still there. If I switch back to the gboard, the problem doesn't occur. However, suppose I save the file after using the Samsung keyboard (even having just tapped on the text using the rich editor, the problem doesn't occur with the plain text editor). In that case, the bold and spacing problem is saved and replicated even on the computer. So, unfortunately, the Samsung keyboard still isn't safe to use. The gboard instead works like a dream.

Also, another thing you may want to look into is that when I use the rich text editor, the editor's background becomes white with black text, even if I had changed the colour scheme in the app to have a dark theme. Not a significant issue, but since I sometimes write in bed at night time, the brightness of the white background becomes a little annoying.  

Once again, thank you for your terrific work!


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