Desert Ramblings - Vol. 6

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Mar 10, 2010, 8:53:26 PM3/10/10
Hi all!

In keeping with my resolutions, I'm trying to get this newsletter out a little more often.  Short and sweet is probably the way to go anyway, rather than some rambling thing that goes on and on (no matter what the name implies).  So without further ado:

-- My website -- -- is now up to date with current appearances and projects, etc.

--  I've put up a brand new website for the book series.  Check it out at and see what you think.

--  I'll be at the Tucson Festival of Books ( this weekend.  Here's my schedule:

Sat. March 13
2:30 pm Vampires That Don't Sparkle(a horror panel) with Jeff Mariotte and Weston Ochse

Sun. March 14
2:30 pm Married to an Author with Will Shetterly, Emma Bull, and Weston Ochse.*****

I'm also signing at the Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore tent at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday.

***** So, you ask (of course you do), why the asterisks up there?  Well, last year Wes was scheduled to be at the Book Festival but missed it because of a last minute work-required trip to Romania.  We thought we had this all cleared this year.  Then Murphy stepped in and decided to send Wes to, you guessed it, Romania again.  This time Wes will make it Saturday, so he'll be on the vampire panel.  But will he be on the Married to an Author panel with me, his wife, the one to whom he's married?  Oh, noooooo.

Oh, YES .  Since he's going to be off galavanting around some European country, I've decided to bring myself a Husband On A Stick .  Don't know what that means?  Think "Jeff Dunham."  Still can't figure it out?  That's what Google's for. 

And pictures.  Yeah, there will be pictures.

Till next time, I remain,

Your Petite Desert Flower.

LJ:  http:/
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