Well i did see a comment that was already accusing OYP of labelling
pics with the "danger" tag to ruin it for everybody, in pics that look
dubious and the artist is a known abuse artist.
Regardless if we agree or not with the tags (i kinda don't think it
warrants Danger since there isn't much else hinting it or a follow up
confirming it, unless there was a 2ch post by the author claiming
things would go well with them.), OYP doesn't proactively shoot down
possible FF stuff unless there is some serious bad omen on them, like
Kiriraita's moeblob, and even then, unless the FF tag is taken down,
abuse comments are discouraged and dennounced.
But well, if that isn't a hint of some future bashing from this new
booru. . .
Yeah OYP does it to danbooru and the PETY type of lovers, but
considering how they love to come and troll and circlejerk, while at
least OYP has both spectrums on 1 site, regardless of the bias
accusation taht miss the point the Site is One Yukkuri Place, not
"Yukkuri Abuse Club" or "Yukkuri Fun House" or anything like that