Limited Access to Very Large Uploads Feeds

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Jeffrey Posnick

Nov 7, 2012, 11:47:14 AM11/7/12

We want to give developers advance notice about an upcoming change to the behavior of versions 1 and 2 of the YouTube Data API. This change will only affect developers who make requests against the uploads feed of channels that contain a very large number of videos—250,000 videos or more.

Currently, it’s possible to request the entire uploads feed for such channels, one page of results at a time. Starting on Tuesday, November 13, it will only be possible to retrieve the most recently uploaded 250,000 videos in a channel’s uploads feed, even if there are more videos than that in the channel. Search feeds remain limited to 1000 videos, and this blog post explains the difference between search and uploads feeds.

Please note that this change will not affect either the playability of the older videos in a channel (they can still be played via the standard YouTube Players) or the ability to retrieve a video entry if you know the video’s ID. It also does not affect version 3 of the API, which relies on a different mechanism for paging through the videos uploaded to a channel.

-Jeff Posnick, YouTube API Team

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