YouTube Data API v3 Public Availability

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Jeffrey Posnick

Oct 30, 2012, 1:32:33 PM10/30/12
We’re happy to announce that an experimental version of the YouTube Data API v3 is now available for use by all developers. We have removed the whitelist that was previously in place and that only allowed approved developers to use the API.

The YouTube Data API v3 offers a number of new features for developers, including native support for OAuth 2 in the client libraries, a new Topics API for finding YouTube videos and channels related to a given Freebase topic, and universal search across videos, playlists, and channels. More and more functionality will be added to the API on a regular basis throughout the experimental release period.

The v3 API is one of the first public YouTube APIs built on top of Google’s new API infrastructure (the YouTube Analytics API is as well), and any of the Google APIs client libraries listed at can be used to access it. For folks who haven’t used these client libraries before, this video provides a good overview:

The Getting Started guide has all the information you need to write your first application:

We’re very eager to hear any feature requests or bug reports about the new API. Please see this blog post for instructions on how to file them:

It’s important to note that while the YouTube Data API v3 can now be used by anyone, it is still considered an “experimental” API, which means that it is still in active development and not all planned features that are implemented yet. Please see the note at the top of the documentation,, for an explanation of what that means to you as a developer.

-Jeff Posnick, on behalf of the YouTube Data API Team |

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