Circulating Opportunity: Digital Governance Council Youth Advisory Committee

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Youth IGF in Canada

May 28, 2024, 2:12:47 PMMay 28
to Youth IGF Canada General
Hello all,

Thank you for being part of the Youth IGF Canada listserv. We will be utilizing this list more when we are circulating our Agenda and date of the first Canadian Youth IGF conference in the coming month(s). However, I wanted to raise your attention to an opportunity with the Digital Governance Council. They are recruiting youth aged 14-22 to be part of their Youth Advisory Committee. You can find more information on their bulletin. Please note, Youth IGF Canada is not affiliated with the Digital Governance Council and are circulating this opportunity because it relates to youth and Internet governance opposed to any form of partnership.

Thank you for your time.

All the best,
Dana Cramer
Youth IGF Canada | President, CEO, and Secretariat
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