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123iqra - share the true islamic information, pertaining to the Islam, Muslims, and the Muslims World, Quran -o- Hadith, Dars and much more.


Please, if you have any informations related to islam do not hesitate to share with almost more than 2500 members and post your mails at groups mail address i.e. and do not post any irrelevant topic as it'll not be considered.

Please  remember this is a group for  speading knowledge ONLY.
I have now made a  few rules and guidelines for  the yoursks group.
Any one voilating any rules and guidelines will get ONE WARNING &  on the second voilation the member wil be  BANNED and removed from the group.
  1. Do not add member of this on their Personal ID nor contact them in any regard. Any contact needed should be done through group only. 
  2. Do Not Spam. There are numerous spam mails that are being posted. 
  3. Please post informative mails regarding Islam & Healthy only.
  4. Do not post your personal IDs ok talk anything else other spreading knowledge. 
  5. Respect each other and welcome Healthy Debates regarding any topic where we have difference of beliefs.  
  6. Any form for buying, purchasing and selling of commodities will not be tolerated.  
  7. Please do not post Unrelevant Links.
  8. If any one adds you on your Personal ID, you are requested to contact Group Manager or Owner so that will ban the user.  
In order to join this group, please visit
Its my request to all the members to follow and respect the rules made and be a  muslim here and dont try to make freinds and  talk other stuffs.

If any member may hurted with my words and comments I apologize. But voilation of the above rules are not allowed.

Also please visit our Blogs that are:

SMS Blog:

IQRA Blog:

Health Blog:

Recipes Blog:

Also working on some other blogs which will be available soon..


Your suggestions and comments are always welcome.. 

Visit Group Site: 

Khurram Shahzad (Owner)
+92 333 - 512 7596


Bint-e-Adam (Manager)

The Praying Angel (Zahra - Manager)