Send Mail

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kanu kukreja

Mar 1, 2009, 6:32:00 AM3/1/09
I want to send a mail from the widget with a message.
I'm doing:
                mailReq.url = "";   
                mailReq.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;       
                mailVar.subject = "Feedback for you";   
                mailVar.fromname = "GOOD";   
                mailVar.body  = "You should start working on: "+startIPTxt + " Please stop: "+stopIPTxt+" Continue with: "+contIPTxt;   
       = mailVar;          
                mailLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;   
                mailLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);   
                try {    
                catch (error:Error) {   
                    trace("Unable to load URL");   

But for getting error:500
<error code='500'><![CDATA[System.Exception: Unable to send reset password email, The message could not be sent because none of the recipients are accepted by the server. Refused Recipients: .
at yourminis.mail.MailUtil.SendSimpleEmail(String fromname, String fromemail, String[] toemail, String subject, String body, String bodyhtml) in d:\yourminis-build\trunk\\yourminis\mail\MailUtil.cs:line 69
at Mail.SendEmail(APIContext context) in d:\yourminis\www\App_Code\_apis\Mail.cs:line 71]]>


Gary B.

Mar 2, 2009, 6:10:39 PM3/2/09
to yourminis Developer Network
Have you specified any recipients here? I think you need to have a
mailVar.rcpt set to a comma separated list of valid email addresses to
send the email to - otherwise the mail server doesn't know who the
message should go to...

On Mar 1, 3:32 am, kanu kukreja <> wrote:
> HI,
> I want to send a mail from the widget with a message.
> I'm doing:
>                 mailReq.url = "";
>                 mailReq.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
>                 mailVar.subject = "Feedback for you";
>                 mailVar.fromname = "GOOD";
>                 mailVar.body  = "You should start working on: "+startIPTxt +
> " Please stop: "+stopIPTxt+" Continue with: "+contIPTxt;
>        = mailVar;
>                 mailLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
>                 mailLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,
> completeHandler);
>                 try {
>                     mailLoader.load(mailReq);
>                 }
>                 catch (error:Error) {
>                     trace("Unable to load URL");
>                 }
> But for error:500

kanu kukreja

Mar 6, 2009, 9:52:21 AM3/6/09
Error #2048 security sandbox...
Any solution?

Gary B.

Mar 6, 2009, 1:25:44 PM3/6/09
to yourminis Developer Network
When are you getting this error? Are you talking about this widget:

I sent myself an email and was told that it was sent successfully - I
then received an email with the following contents:
You should start working on: test
Please stop: test
Continue with:

Looks like it's working to me?

On Mar 6, 6:52 am, kanu kukreja <> wrote:
> Error #2048 security sandbox...
> Any solution?
> > > But for

kanu kukreja

Mar 7, 2009, 7:39:35 AM3/7/09
No Gary that error is not coming for my feedback widget, someone else is also using the same API, but she is not adding her widget in yourminis and getting an error.

Gary B.

Mar 7, 2009, 12:50:33 PM3/7/09
to yourminis Developer Network
Whenever asking for help, you should always reference the widget that
you're having the problem with. It's much easier to help when we're
aware of the widget you're working on and the specific instance that
the error occurs in.

That said, error #2048 is a security error that's usually associated
with a lack of or incorrect crossdomain.xml file... I would check to
make sure that's setup properly first...

On Mar 7, 4:39 am, kanu kukreja <> wrote:
> No Gary that error is not coming for my feedback widget, someone else is
> also using the same API, but she is not adding her widget in yourminis and
> getting an error.
> Thanks,
> Kanu

kanu kukreja

May 25, 2009, 1:12:47 PM5/25/09

I'm using yourminis's SendEmail API for the widget embedded at, after adding receiver name and email
id I'm copying embed code.That embed code contains the name of
receiver and mail id, Is there's any way to encode the name and

And is it possible to send the rich format text using that API in the mail?

Is there's any profanity filter avaibale for the input text fields?

Kanu Kukreja

In the widget mentioned in the page mentioned above

Gary B.

May 26, 2009, 8:56:56 PM5/26/09
to yourminis Developer Network
Hey Kanu,

Are you looking to encrypt the data so that it's not posted to a page
in clear-text? There's nothing (that I'm aware of) that's built into
the API for this, but you can simply use Flash to encrypt the string
and then make sure the widget decrypts the string when reading the
value - should be very easy to do.

I don't think there is anything stopping you from sending rich text
emails. I think all you have to do is construct an HTML based body
for the message - I don't think there are any extra parameters for
this. Have you tried this out?

There is no profanity filter - like the encryption, you'd have to
build that in on your own or find a 3rd party API that you can
leverage for it...



On May 25, 10:12 am, kanu kukreja <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using yourminis's SendEmail API for the widget embedded at, after adding receiver name and email
> id I'm copying embed code.That embed code contains the name of
> receiver and mail id, Is there's any way to encode the name and
> mail-id?
> And is it possible to send the rich format text using that API in the mail?
> Is there's any profanity filter avaibale for the input text fields?
> Thanks,
> Kanu Kukreja
> In the widget mentioned in the page mentioned above

kanu kukreja

Jun 6, 2009, 8:48:57 AM6/6/09
One more ques: How we can get the info of IP address from where we are
sending mail using sendmail API ?


Gary B.

Jun 8, 2009, 2:25:47 PM6/8/09
to yourminis Developer Network
Can you help me understand why you would need to have that

On Jun 6, 5:48 am, kanu kukreja <> wrote:
> One more ques: How we can get the info of IP address from where we are
> sending mail using sendmail API ?
> Thanks,
> kanu

kanu kukreja

Jun 8, 2009, 11:32:17 PM6/8/09
So that one person can send only one or two mail per day.


Jun 9, 2009, 1:02:39 AM6/9/09

Gary B.

Jun 9, 2009, 3:20:51 PM6/9/09
to yourminis Developer Network
Kanu - does Anand's reference answer your question? Anand is giving
you a way to determine the client IP - basically the IP of the person
that is initiating the request, but this is not actually where the
mail gets sent from, which is why I was confused by your initial
question. If you use the client IP to block requests, just keep in
mind that many users still use a proxy server to access the Internet,
which means that many people from one ISP/Company/etc. will all appear
like they have the same IP...

On Jun 8, 10:02 pm, Anand <> wrote:
> Check out this method.
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 9:02 AM, kanu kukreja <> wrote:
> > So that one person can send only one or two mail per day.
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